I gave a talk recently at the Future of Genomic Medicine meeting in San Diego that I thought might be of interest to some here. I posted the slides to Slideshare. See below: Talk for #FOGM15: Challenges and Opportunities in Microbiome Studies and the Rise of Citizen Microbiology from Jonathan Eisen I also recorded the …
This is the second of three posts about the planetary protection workshop I attended at NASA Ames from March 24-26, 2015. The first is here (and here.) Forward contamination, in the context of planetary protection, refers to the transport of microbes from Earth to Mars. The title of the workshop, and many talk titles refer to “human …
reposted from jennomics.com http://www.nasa.gov/ames/events/ppw2015workshop/#.VRMLLJPF8mU I’m at a NASA Ames workshop this week. The goal is to have a discussion about planetary protection with respect to human spaceflight, in particular to Mars, mostly during a “sample and return” mission and a little bit about human habitation on Mars. I’m tweeting with #planetaryprotection. There’s also live streaming here: …
SciPy 2015 (Scientific Computing with Python) is coming up in Austin, TX this July 6-12. I attended SciPy last year for the first time to present on scikit-bio (see my talk here), and thought it was an excellent meeting. It was great to spend a week talking about software and software development, which isn’t the …
Following the last posts about sampling in buildings and other man-made environments, I would like to share the paper I will present at Healthy Buildings 2015 Europe. The paper mainly focuses on sampling advice for practitioners, but we have also tried to explain what the concept of «building microbiome» means to us. Although buildings are not living …
Healthy Buildings 2015 – Europe PROMO from HB2015Europe on Vimeo.
A couple of weeks ago in San Jose was the inaugural meeting of the Citizen Science Association, “Citizen Science 2015“. I previously posted my thoughts on day one here at microBEnet. On day 2, Holly Menninger, Jenna Lang, and I organized a session entitled “Citizen Microbiology: Engaging the public in the study of invisible life”. …
The Alfred P. Sloan foundation has approved a grant to organize a workshop on indoor microbiome in Finland in Fall 2015. The workshop is designed for a scientific exchange including a workshop and researcher exchanges that will bridge the Sloan grantees in US and Canada with the research groups in Finland and neighboring countries. The workshop organizing committee, …
I’m currently attending the inaugural conference of the Citizen Science Association… “Citizen Science 2015“. Over 650 participants from around the world have arrived in San Jose to talk about all the various flavors and implications of citizen science. It’s been a fascinating conference so far, not least because there’s very little agreement on what the …
When we take a swab and perform 16S sequencing we assume that this gives us a picture of who is present in a bacterial community. But actually what we’re measuring is what DNA is present on that surface. This technique doesn’t tell us who is alive, who is dead, who is viable, who is non-viable, …