Microbes in the built environment: musical instruments (from Discover)

We try to make sure that our discussions of the microbiology of the “built environment” are very inclusive.  That means in addition to the obvious houses and office buildings we’ve talked about plumbing systems, planes, trains, etc.    But this story is certainly the first time I’ve thought about what is dwelling inside of musical instruments.   …

Researchers explore natural solution to rid household plumbing of dangerous pathogens

Just a quick post to point out an article on phys.org talking about Amy Pruden’s fascinating work on probiotics for plumbing.   Read her microBEnet post about the work here and a related post by Kyle Bibby here. From the phys.org article: “We believe this microbiome can be harnessed to control opportunistic pathogens,” Pruden said. For …

PLOS ONE: Contamination of Public Buses with MRSA in Lisbon, Portugal

Paula Olsiewski recently pointed us to this article entitled “Contamination of Public Buses with MRSA in Lisbon, Portugal: A Possible Transmission Route of Major MRSA Clones within the Community.”  Basically the authors found nosocomial (hospital-acquired) strains of MRSA on a number of public buses and conclude: MRSA contamination of public transport and the transfer of …

EPA funding opportunity: Indoor Air and Climate Change

Indoor Air and Climate Change URL: http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2014/2014_star_indoor_air.html Open Date: 10/23/2013 – Close Date: 01/23/2014 Here are some of the important details: Summary: EPA announces an extramural funding competition designed to support research that improves understanding of how climate change affects human health through indoor air quality as adapted by building designs and uses. Proposals should …

Your dishwasher, vacuum cleaner and compost are trying to kill you! Or are they?

In the last 24 hours I saw articles with the following three headlines: My dishwasher is trying to kill me: Extreme conditions suit pathogenic fungus. Compost Harbors Legionnaire’s Disease Bacteria Bacteria, Mold Found In Vacuum Dust You’re not safe anywhere!  And people wonder why microbes get such a bad rap.   Yes, of course some microbes …

Probiotics for Plumbing?

Hats off to Tuesday’s New York Times article, “A Quest for Even Safer Drinking Water,” for daring to bring microbiology to the people.  The article sheds light several key reasons we can no longer afford to ignore the vast microbial diversity that exists within the drinking water environment, among them are opportunistic pathogens and antibiotic …

Article in @nytimes on Norm Pace’s lab’s work on microbial diversity in municipal water supplies

Very interesting article by Peter Andrey Smith: A Quest for Even Safer Drinking Water – NYTimes.com.  It tells the tale of Norm Pace and his lab’s field work to study the microbial diversity of municipal drinking water systems.  The work is part of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s program on Microbiology of the Built Environment and …