Interview w/ Jessica Green on SmartPlanet focusing on microbes in buildings

Quick post – there is an interview of Jessica Green posted on SmartPlanet.  The interview is with Christina Hernandez Sherwood:  Q&A: Jessica Green, biodiversity scientist, on the microbial ecosystems in our buildings | SmartPlanet. The interview focused mostly on microbes in buildings and work at the BioBE Center at U. Oregon.  In the interview she …

“Mapping the Great Indoors”, New York Times article about the microbiology of the built environment

A great article in the NYT today about the microbiology of the built environment ranging from pillowcases to hospitals to asthma.   Includes interviews with Noah Fierer, Rob Dunn, Paula Olsiewski, Jessica Green, Jordan Peccia, and Jack Gilbert. A good link for sending to family and friends that ask “what are you working on again?”

“…antibiotic resistance genes may be transported via aerosols on local scales”

In their just published paper in Environmental Science & Technology, “Tetracycline Resistance and Class 1 Integron Genes Associated with Indoor and Outdoor Aerosols,” Alison L. Ling, Norman R. Pace, Mark T. Hernandez, and Timothy M. LaPara have found that genes escape the indoor environment and can be found 2 km away. The abstract can be …

Should you lick your baby’s dropped pacifier?

A story on the May 6th NPR program, Morning Edition, “Parents’ Saliva On Pacifiers Could Ward Off Baby’s Allergies” features a focus on the human microbiome, partental behavior and babies’ allergies. “That word “microbiome” – describing the collection of bacteria that live in and on our bodies – keeps popping up. This time, researchers say …

Making the Human Health Connection: Healthy Buildings, Healthy People, Healthy Communities

The Health in Buildings Roundtable will meet Tuesday, April 23rd from 8 to 4:30 at the Natcher Center on the NIH campus in Bethesda. The line-up includes a diverse set of speakers and topics. We saw nothing in the program posted on line mentioning microbial ecology, microbiology, or microbes, but the program might be of …