Opinions / facts / comments wanted: are indoor plant microbiomes beneficial to human health

New paper out of possible interest to those studying the microbiology of the built environment: Frontiers | Beneficial effects of plant-associated microbes on indoor microbiomes and human health? | Frontiers in Plant-Microbe Interaction.  The paper makes some arguments regarding possible connections between indoor plant microbiomes and human health.  I am posting this here without commentary in …

Looking for Workshop Ideas in Microbiology of the Built Environment!

We need your help! One of the goals for microBEnet in 2014 is to host/organize/support targeted workshops within the broad area of the microbiology of the built environment.  In the past we’ve been involved in a number of general workshops since the field was so new.   Now we’d like to focus more on specific areas …

Keith Redway’s lectures added to microbe.net web resources

We’ve just added a new link on our resources page — a whole lot of lectures by Keith Redway of the University of Westminister. The list includes the following: Recombinant DNA Technology & GM (3BIO7M4, 3BIO7X1) Laboratory Management & Safety (3GAM405) Medical Microbiology (3MED666) History of Microbiology Medically important bacteria Transfer of antibiotic resistance – …

EPA Report: Determination of the Sampling Efficiency of Biosamplers to Collect Inhalable Particles

Interested in learning more about air sampling in the built environment?  Then check out the Google Hangout with several researchers on the topic posted on microBEnet. Interested in even more detail?  Then check out the EPA report entitled “Determination of the Sampling Efficiency of Biosamplers to Collect Inhalable Particles”

Dog hair and asthma

One aspect of life with dogs is that my house and clothing tend be coated in a layer of hair. However, a recent study by Fujimura et al. indicates that the dust in houses with dogs may confer protection from airway allergens and respiratory infection compared to houses with no pets. Fujimura et al. exposed …

European Commission convenes high-level conference to take stock on anti-microbial resistance in Europe

A conference organized by the European Commission on the European antimicrobial resistance (AMR) five year action plan and its future challenges is taking place in Brussels today, 11 December. The conference is intended to provide a platform to discuss this action plan at the mid-stage of its implementation, looking at the issue both from a …

Podcast hosts discussing Rachel Adams paper on fungal diversity in the built environment

One of my spare time activities is to listen to science-themed podcasts and for several years I’ve been following the “This week in Microbiology” and “This week in Virology” podcasts hosted by Vincent Racanielloand friends at Columbia University. During the podcast, the hosts usually discuss a couple papers of interest to them similar to a …