Meeting Report on the “1st Hospital Microbiome Project Workshop”

A new meeting report is out in the SIGS journal: The Hospital Microbiome Project: Meeting Report for the 1st Hospital Microbiome Project Workshop on sampling design and building science measurements, Chicago, USA, June 7th-8th 2012. | Smith | Standards in Genomic Sciences.  The report discusses a meeting involving many interested in microbiology of the built environment …

Making the Human Health Connection: Healthy Buildings, Healthy People, Healthy Communities

The Health in Buildings Roundtable will meet Tuesday, April 23rd from 8 to 4:30 at the Natcher Center on the NIH campus in Bethesda. The line-up includes a diverse set of speakers and topics. We saw nothing in the program posted on line mentioning microbial ecology, microbiology, or microbes, but the program might be of …

“Moving the office outside” But no mention of microbes.

This article, about “Moving the Office Outside” talks about the energy savings and psychological benefits of creating outdoor office spaces.   Sadly microbes don’t get a mention, even though there’s an ever-growing body of work showing that indoor air is less healthy than outdoor air (both in terms of chemical composition and microbial makeup).

Culture-Independent Analysis of Aerosol Microbiology in a Metropolitan Subway System

Nice study by Norm Pace’s group looking at microbes present in the air in New York City subway systems.   They didn’t find any organisms of public health concern, and showed that the ventilation and mixing of outside air appear to work well.   This work does provide an important baseline of data for evaluating the effects …