Shelly Miller-MoBE 2017

Shelly Miller gives an interesting talk about “Building Engineering Controls for Improving Occupant Health: Mitigating Airborne Particles, Toxic Gases, and Infectious Aerosols.” This was recorded at the MoBE 2017 symposium in Washington D.C. If you’re interested, check out all of the other speakers from MoBE 2017 on our YouTube channel!

Gut Check: The Microbiome Game available at Amazon #themicrobiomegame

So after a significant learning curve associated with things like UPC codes and bills of lading, Gut Check: The Microbiome Game is finally available on Amazon!  Hopefully both fun and educational, there is also a free print-and-play version here on microBEnet.  Profits from the sale of the game will be used to support undergraduate-based research …

Help wanted: looking for a recent (post 2012) #openaccess review on molecular phylogenetic methods

I am getting ready for my “EVE161” class on Sequence based studies of the diversity of microbes.  For more about past versions of the class see here: Anyway – I am working on the reading for the class and I am looking for a good, recent, open access review of molecular phylogenetic methods.  Any recommendations …

Networks shed new light on microbiota literature

Thanks to rapid and relatively inexpensive techniques, anything that can be swabbed, scooped and sequenced is fair game for bacterial community analyses. And, microbiome-mania aside, we are still discovering incredible things about the invisible microbial world everyday. Fellow microBEnet author David Coil has suggested that it is timely to collate the wealth of information that …