Crosspost: Kimberly-Clark’s deceptive self serving PR regarding germs in the workplace #BadReportingToo

Crossposting this from my “Tree of Life” blog. First I saw of this story was here: Study: Bacteria fills office break rooms – Local News – Houston, TX – Something sounded off with this.  I think it was the fact that it involved “Cleaning products company Kimberly-Clark” that raised some alarm bells.  The involvement of …

“The Mystery of the Canadian Whiskey Fungus”

Just a quick post here about an interesting microbial detective story in the built environment of a whiskey distillery.  The researcher profiled in this story was trying to identify a fungus that thrives on the ethanol released from the distillery process. This article from Wired magazine also talks about the concept of “urban extremophiles”, pointing …

Summary of the 2011 “Microbiomes of built environments symposium”

Good to see this summary come out: Microbiomes of built environments: 2011 symposium highlights and workgroup recommendations – Corsi – 2012 – Indoor Air – Wiley Online Library. Even better that it freely available, though I am a bit dubious of the Wiley Open Access Option as applied by this journal since on the PDF there …

GSC13: From Genomes to Interactions to Communities to Models

The Genomic Standards Consortium recently held its 13th Workshop from March 5-7 in Shenzhen, China, where advances in genomics research were discussed in close proximity to the massive sequencing power of BGI. As a workshop participant, I found the meeting presentations to be both informative and exciting; the data spoke for itself, and many projects …

Report of 13th Genomic Standards Consortium Meeting including microbiology of the built environment session

A meeting report from the 13th GSC meeting has been published. Report of the 13th Genomic Standards Consortium Meeting, Shenzhen, China, March 4—7, 2012. | Gilbert | Standards in Genomic Sciences. A PDF is available here. The meeting including a session we at microBEnet sponsored on microbiology of the built environment.  More detail on the meeting will be …

Guest Post: Paul Orwin from CSUSB on an undergraduate microbial genome sequencing project

A while back we posted about our microBEnet project to have undergraduates come into the lab and sequence reference genomes from the built environment.  That project now has it’s own blog, being maintained by the students themselves.   Comments about our original post led to the following guest post by Paul Orwin, who is doing something …

Guest Post: Metadata for the Built Environment – MIxS-BE package

Built_environment-metadata-terms-v51-2_May_2014 This is a Guest Post from Lynn Schriml. The MIxS-BE metadata package was presented on March 7, 2012, as part of the Microbiology of the Built Environment session sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation at GSC13 in Shenzhen, China. The Sloan Foundation has established the Microbiology of the Built Environment (BE) to uncover …