Great article by Maryn McKenna on the hunt for new antibiotics w/ crowdsourcing help

This is definitely worth a read: Source: Could the Answer to the Antibiotic-Resistance Crisis Be Found on a Toilet Seat? – The Atlantic Or a listen to since there is an audio version of the story (see below).\ The article basically discusses work by Adam Roberts to survey the world for new antibiotics.  The best …

New Paper on the Hospital Microbiome

The microbial interactions we share with built environments play a central role in shaping the microbiota of our surroundings and in the development of our own microbiome. Nowhere does this microbial flux have more profound implications for human health than in hospitals, where rooms are subject to a constant turnover in occupant, each leaving behind …

Compiling a list of Microbiology of the Built Environment related presentations at ASMicrobe17

I am compiling information about presentations related to MoBE topics at the ASM Microbe 2017 meeting.  This may be useful to those attending the meeting in selecting where to go and also to those outside who might be interested presentations on MoBE topics at this meeting. If anyone knows of others, please let me know. …

A fascinating side story to brain-defect microbiome study – major role of the built environment

So there is a new paper out that is incredibly interesting and has been getting lots of press coverage.  The paper was in Nature: Endothelial TLR4 and the microbiome drive cerebral cavernous malformations. Sadly it is behind a paywall, so not everyone out there will have free access to it. But it is available in sci-hub …

Microbiology of the Built Environment (MoBE) Symposium at NCSE

On January 24, 2017 we held a 90 minute symposium titled “Microbiology of the Built Environment: Implications for Health and Design” at the National Council for Science and the Environment Conference (NCSE) conference in Washington, DC. Thank you to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for sponsoring this event. The NCSE conference integrates science and policy, …