Issues classifying ITS data? The answer could be simply using “blast” during taxonomy assignment in QIIME

I wrote a post on the Seagrass Microbiome website yesterday about my struggles with fungal ITS sequencing data which I thought I’d share here as well in case anyone is looking to jump into the fungal fray. To summarize: changing the default method of the QIIME script from “UCLUST” to “blast” dramatically increased the …

Open courses and course materials on microbiology of the built environment

One activity we have been hoping to do more of here at microBEnet is to catalyze the development and sharing and evaluation of course materials (preferably free and open) for teaching about microbiology of the built environment.  I confess this is just not my area of expertise so I am going to be writing a …

Building Drainage Systems

When drainage systems fail, a lot of undesirable effects may follow, from leaks that cause mold to fecal-laden water contaminating groundwater and houses. A study from the Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland found yet another concern we should have about broken or inadequate building drainage. Airflows in pipes can contain aerosolized pathogens and then escape into …

Impacts of Flood Damage on Airborne Bacteria and Fungi in Homes

Finally got around to reading “Impacts of Flood Damage on Airborne Bacteria and Fungi in Homes after the 2013 Colorado Front Range Flood” from the labs of Shelly Miller and Noah Fierer.  The massive floods in 2013 provided the researchers with an opportunity to examine the lingering effects of flood damage, even post remediation.   Ideally …

Microbiomes of the Built Environment in the Classroom

This semester, I’m teaching a microbiology course for non-majors. The course was originally designed to focus on microbial diseases and public health, but as I crafted my version of the course, I wanted to broaden our view of microbiology and include the fascinating field of microbiome research. In our first few weeks (relentless winter weather …

The long road from Data to Wisdom, and from DNA to Pathogen

I. Introduction There is an oft-cited hierarchy for data, wherein ideally it should flow: Data –>Information –>Knowledge –>Wisdom (DIKW).  Just because you have data, it takes some processing to get quality information, and even good information is not necessarily knowledge, and knowledge often requires context or application to become wisdom. For example, you could have …

Sloan Foundation funds an Indoor Microbiome Workshop in Finland

The Alfred P. Sloan foundation has approved a grant to organize a workshop on indoor microbiome in Finland in Fall 2015.  The workshop is designed for a scientific exchange including a workshop and researcher exchanges that will bridge the Sloan grantees in US and Canada with the research groups in Finland and neighboring countries.  The workshop organizing committee, …

Day 1 Report from “Citizen Science 2015” conference

I’m currently attending the inaugural conference of the Citizen Science Association… “Citizen Science 2015“.   Over 650 participants from around the world have arrived in San Jose to talk about all the various flavors and implications of citizen science.   It’s been a fascinating conference so far, not least because there’s very little agreement on what the …