Postdoctoral Funding opportunity in the Microbiology of the Built Environment

Another funding opportunity from the Sloan Foundation for postdocs working in the (broadly defined) microbiology of the built environment.  A full copy of the RFP is below or can be found here. ****************************************************************************** May 1, 2015 Dear Colleague — The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announces a funding opportunity in its Microbiology of the Built Environment …

Media Coverage of microBEnet

Media Coverage of microBEnet activities and microBEnet personnel Project MERCCURI.  Debunking Germophobia | Buzzsaw (4-2-15) link Microbes of Pop Warner Cheerleaders in Outer Space! | Pop Warner (2-16-15) link Forget the Super Bowl, Microbes Are Playing Sports in Outer Space | Motherboard (2-1-15) link A first look at how our germs are behaving in space …

Mycodo : A homebrew automated cultivation setup for fungiculture

One of my favorite blogs, Hackaday, recently covered a brilliantly detailed build of a mushroom cultivation control system by Kyle Gabriel. Kyle is a microbiology graduate student at Georgia State University studying the interactions of bacteria and pathogenic fungi for his research, and cultivates edible fungi for fun. The gadget monitors temperature and humidity in a sealed room under positive …

What does the term microbiome mean? And where did it come from? A bit of a surprise ..

“Microbiome” is such a hot term these days.  And one key question many ask is “what does it mean?”  A related question is – “where did the term come from?” I tried to tackle this many years ago on my blog with a post: The human microbiome – term being used in many ways – but at …

Workshop on Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Human Extraterrestrial Missions (Reverse Contamination)

This is the third of three posts about the planetary protection workshop I attended at NASA Ames from March 24-26, 2015. The first is here. I mentioned, in my last post on forward contamination, that reverse contamination is the primary concern for Planetary Protection (PP). In this context, reverse contamination refers to the transport of Martian …

Archived Newsletter March 2013

Welcome to microBEnet News March 2013  Resource of the Month Focusing on resources found on   This month we would like to draw attention to our event calendar.   Here we keep track of conferences and events relating to the microbiology of the built environment. Additional suggestions are more than welcome! MicroBEnet Blogs A brief …

Archived Newsletter April 2013

Welcome to microBEnet News April 2013  Resource of the Month Focusing on resources found on   This month we would like to draw attention to our collection of “Indoor Environment Web Resources”. This is quite a bit shorter than our comparable collection of “Microbiology Web Resources” so we would love any additional suggestions!   …

Archived Newsletter May 2013

Welcome to microBEnet News May 2013  MicroBEnet Blogs A brief summary of the recent topics posted on   A few guest posts this month which is great!  We started off with Walking in the footsteps of van Leeuwenhoek by Keith Seifert.   Other guest posts included a software carpentry workshop summary by Jenna Lang and …

Archived Newsletter August 2013

Welcome to microBEnet News Summer 2013  MicroBEnet Blogs A brief summary of the recent topics posted on Each issue we give a brief summary of the topics discussed in our blog over the last month (3 months this time!).  Be sure to check it out here.   We started off the month with a …

Archived Newsletter September 2013

Welcome to microBEnet News September 2013  MicroBEnet Blogs A brief summary of the recent topics posted on Each issue we give a brief summary of the topics discussed in our blog over the last month.  Be sure to check it out here.     This was a relatively quiet month for the blog. We started off …