Microbial Ecology Research Tech position at BioBE Center, University of Oregon

Microbial Ecology Research Tech position (for application details go here) The Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Oregon currently has an opening for a full time Research Assistant to work in the area of microbial ecology.  The successful candidate will play a key role in the Biology and Built Environment (BioBE) Center (http://biobe.uoregon.edu/), …

Bioinformatics Post-Doc Opportunity at the BioBE Center, University of Oregon

Bioinformatics/Microbial Ecology postdoctoral position (for application details go here) Jessica Green and Brendan Bohannan are currently seeking a bioinformatics postdoctoral researcher to explore fundamental questions in microbial ecology and evolution.  Applicants should have a PhD with extensive training using bioinformatics to understand the ecology and/or evolution of complex biological communities, and strong writing skills.  The ideal candidate will have …

Links about new work from BioBE center’s on “microbiology of the built environment” #micropolis

Lots and lots of news stories about the BioBE center and some of their recent work on “microbiomes of classrooms”.  Here is a collection of links: Their paper in the new journal “Microbiome”: microbiota in the classroom University of Oregon story: UO center on quest to document indoor microbes, guide healthier buildings | Around the O. Who’s …

Interview w/ Jessica Green on SmartPlanet focusing on microbes in buildings

Quick post – there is an interview of Jessica Green posted on SmartPlanet.  The interview is with Christina Hernandez Sherwood:  Q&A: Jessica Green, biodiversity scientist, on the microbial ecosystems in our buildings | SmartPlanet. The interview focused mostly on microbes in buildings and work at the BioBE Center at U. Oregon.  In the interview she …

Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics Meeting 2012: Microbiology of the Built Environment Session

Last night was the Microbiology of the Built Environment session at the bi-annual Lake Arrowhead meeting.  This session was organized and sponsored by microBEnet.  I recorded some of the talks and will post those videos here after some editing. Here’s a summary of the speakers and the topics discussed. The first speaker was James Meadow …

Great article on Microbiology of the Built Environment – for Discover’s subscriber’s only alas …

Just got a copy of the July/Aug issue of Discover and, well, discovered that this is the issue with the following article: Earth’s Last Unexplored Wilderness: Your Very Own Home | Ecosystems | DISCOVER Magazine. It is alas available online only to subscriber’s but for those interested in microbiology of the built environment, it is worth …