How We View Air

Whenever I got sick as a young child, my mom insisted upon opening my windows in the mornings to let fresh air in. She claimed it would help me get better if we let clean air in to flush out the dirty air. To me, it was a nuisance. I had the chills and resented …

“Battle Against the Flu” on radio 10 January

Thursday January 10 at 10:06 am on the east coast, the Diane Rehm Show will focus on the flu. You can read the advance description at To find your local station, if you don’t already know it, go to Most local stations make their broadcasts available on their web sites. “This year’s flu …

microBEnet Microbiology blog of the day: Crof’s H5N1 from Crawford Kilian

Going through the list of Microbiology Blogs we have curated at microBEnet and going to try to feature one of them every day or so.  And just going to do this in semi-alphabetic order. Today’s blog:  Crof’s H5N1 Author:  Crawford Kilian Tagline/Summary: “Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large …

microBEnet Microbiology blog of the day: Avian Flu Diary

Going through the list of Microbiology Blogs I have curated at microBEnet and going to try to feature one of the every day or so.  And just going to do this alphabetically.  So todays blog is Avian Flu Diary. Author:  Michael Coston Tagline: Covering Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza, H5N1 `Bird Flu, Emerging Infectious Diseases, public health, community & …

Forget about snakes on a plane – how about viruses on a plane? #flu #influenza

Interesting new article in Time Magazine’s healthland: A New Study Shows That Sitting Close to a Sick Person on a Flight Can Make You Sick – – TIME Healthland. The article is based on a new paper in Emerging Infectious Diseases: Transmission of Influenza on International Flights, May 2009 which basically examines transmission dynamics of flu within …