NPR’s Michaeleen Doucleff story on the Sponge (kitchen that is) Microbiome

A new episode of “Food for Thought” from NPR on kitchen sponge microbes. By Michaeleen Doucleff:
A new episode of “Food for Thought” from NPR on kitchen sponge microbes. By Michaeleen Doucleff:
I have nothing to add to this. The Onion picks up on the recent study by Caporaso and colleagues A study that swabbed office buildings in major cities found that the bacterial profile of the swabs corresponded to their location, suggesting that cities each have their own “bacterial fingerprint.” What do you think? Source: Study: …
I always looks forward to spending a chunk of my Friday listening to Science Friday. This segment is too good not to share… Science Club is back! Ariel Zych and Charles Bergquist, the awesome Science Club hosts, are celebrating National Citizen Science Day (April 16) with a new Science Club they are calling #TakeASample. This is awesome challenge …
In the wake of the Obama administration’s plan to decrease antibiotic usage in livestock, farmers are now trying to find alternatives that have fewer ecological and human health impacts. In an effort to reduce reliance on antibiotics, researchers at Iowa State University are testing if Lactobacillus species found in yogurt might have a similar health effect on livestock as …
A recent NPR article raised the concern of drug-resistant food poisoning. Specifically, Ciprofloxacin-resistant Shigella. This strain was imported with US travellers coming from all over the world, but has now spread around the nation. Doctors are now starting to treat multi-drug resistant Shigella using IV instead of oral antibiotics. The article states: Multidrug-resistant Shigella has caused several outbreaks …
Heard this story on NPR yesterday: ‘A Universe Beneath Our Feet’: Life In Beijing’s Underground : NPR. It discusses the growing trend in Beijing for people to be living in apartments / basements comlpetely underground. This is happening for multiple reasons and it clearly has some potential big consequences. It does seem like a possible …
Just read this from NPR – In The Face Of Disaster, Pritzker Winner Shigeru Ban Designs Solutions : NPR. It tells the story of how architect Shigeru Ban has won the prestigious Pritzker Prize in architecture. In addition to being a very socially conscious architect, Ban also has an interesting connection to microbes and building design. …
Nice video from NPR about the human microbiome that is worth taking a look at
This weekend, National Public Radio (NPR) has been heavily promoting a feature on microbiomes scheduled for Monday, July 22nd. If you are a regular listener, you will catch it. If not, you can go to on Monday or after and look at the lineup for Monday morning’s show.