Worth a Read: Sloan Foundation President Dr. Paul Joskow on “Research Integrity and Reproducibility”

I just got pointed to this letter written by the President of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Paul Joskow on “Research Integrity and Reproducibility” and it is definitely worth a read. It is available as part of the Sloan Foundation 2014 Annual report. It starts on pXiii.  It is also available via Research Gate.  And …

A Figshare Collection on Microbiology of the Built Environment

I got an email the other day about a new feature at Figshare.  It was about a new feature they have called “Collections“. But before I describe that I should probably describe Figshare.  Figshare is a repository for depositing and sharing various digital objects including not just Figures (which they name kind of implies … …

Interesting analysis of data sharing in paleogenetics #OpenScience

There is a new paper out that may be of interest to many: “When Data Sharing Gets Close to 100%: What Human Paleogenetics Can Teach the Open Science Movement”.  It discusses an analysis of paleogenetics and the open science / open data practices in the field.  This seems like it could be of relevance to the …

An excellent example for any funding agency: Leukemia & Lymphoma Research goes full #openaccess

Great news here: Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research pledges to make its research open to all.  Matt Kaiser  – the Head of Research has written this up in a blog post.  It is worth reading the whole article.  I note – I really hope that the Sloan Foundation can take this approach in the “microbiology of the …

Lessons Learned from Building an Interdisciplinary Scientific Community in the Online Sphere

The Microbiology of the Built Environment Network (http://microBE.net – this website) has made it into the community page at PLoS Biology! Our article has been in the works for some time, and we’re now pleased to announce its official publication: Bik HM, Coil DA, Eisen JA (2014) microBEnet: Lessons Learned from Building an Interdisciplinary Scientific Community …

Citizen Irony

I’m working on a manuscript describing the different and particular challenges scientists in various disciplines face when incorporating citizen science into their research. So, I thought I would go looking for other articles about it, and found one with the promising title A new dawn for citizen science by Jonathan Silvertown. I’m holed up in …

Content is King (Part 1): Social Media strategies according to Evan Bailyn

Part of what we’re trying to do on this site is to put the net in microBEnet. As in, building an online network for an emerging research discipline (Microbiology of the Built Environment) that connects building scientists and engineers with biologists, ecologists and computer scientists. The internet is a big place. Publicizing a new cause or web …