Jeffrey Marlow in the Extremo Files blog @Wired discusses Kembel et al. air flow microbes study

In the “Extremo File” blog, Jeffrey Marlow discussed recent work from the BioBE Center: Is Your Office Building Trying to Kill You? | Wired Science |  The post discusses how studies of microbial ecology are moving from the outdoors to the indoors and that is a useful message to get across. I presume the post …

“Architectural design influences the diversity and structure of the built environment microbiome” – paper by the BioBE Center group

We’ve posted in the past (here, here, here, and here) about some of the interesting work taking place at the BioBE Center regarding microbial community structure in health-care facilities.  Today a paper on this topic came out in the ISME Journal. This paper is certainly worth a read for anyone interested in the microbiology of …