This is a must-read article for folks thinking about mitigating the risk of COVID-19 indoors. A venerable author list, including many experts on all aspects of indoor ventilation, pathogen transmission, aerosol science, etc. Since it is a review, it’s hard to summarize. Basically they argue that the current status of the science on indoor microbiology and SARS-CoV-2 is developed enough to make recommendations on reducing indoor transmission. Abstract below:
During the rapid rise in COVID-19 illnesses and deaths globally, and notwithstanding recommended precautions, questions are voiced about routes of transmission for this pandemic disease. Inhaling small airborne droplets is probable as a third route of infection, in addition to more widely recognized transmission via larger respiratory droplets and direct contact with infected people or contaminated surfaces. While uncertainties remain regarding the relative contributions of the different transmission pathways, we argue that existing evidence is sufficiently strong to warrant engineering controls targeting airborne transmission as part of an overall strategy to limit infection risk indoors. Appropriate building engineering controls include sufficient and effective ventilation, possibly enhanced by particle filtration and air disinfection, avoiding air recirculation and avoiding overcrowding. Often, such measures can be easily implemented and without much cost, but if only they are recognised as significant in contributing to infection control goals. We believe that the use of engineering controls in public buildings, including hospitals, shops, offices, schools, kindergartens, libraries, restaurants, cruise ships, elevators, conference rooms or public transport, in parallel with effective application of other controls (including isolation and quarantine, social distancing and hand hygiene), would be an additional important measure globally to reduce the likelihood of transmission and thereby protect healthcare workers, patients and the general public.
And it all begins with maintaining the indoor air relative humidity between 40 and 60%
#COVID19 #RH40to60 #DTRT
Agreed :)