Nice paper on Malassezia-like Fungi – commonly found in human skin – but also found in many other places

Nice new paper that may be of interest: PLOS Pathogens: From Dandruff to Deep-Sea Vents: Malassezia-like Fungi Are Ecologically Hyper-diverse by Anthony Amend. Malassezia are commonly found in many studies of human skin and when they have been found in other places sometimes it is thought that they are vagrants having come from the skin of humans or …

Spinal Tap-The Fungal Meningitis Edition

For anyone looking for another reason to fear hospitals, nosocomial infections (hospital acquired infections), or spinal injections, here is a story for you. Contaminated spinal injections were given to patients in 20 states and led to 751 individuals developing fungal meningitis and 64 deaths. FDA and CDC officials conducted a preliminary investigation and discovered a …

A disturbing trend – casual and reckless use of antimicrobial agents in building materials.

There was a very interesting artilce in the New York Times on August 21 bu Michael Kimmelman: In Redesigned Room, Hospital Patients May Feel Better Already.  The article focuses on a move by the University Medical Center of Princeton to redesign hospital rooms.  And Kimmelman discusses a variety of issues associated with hospital design. And there were …

Awesome science paper 1st lines example regarding microbes on the Archimedes Palimpsest

Just a quick post here.  Got alerted to this paper by Google Scholar updates: A Combined Approach to Assess the Microbial Contamination of the Archimedes Palimpsest.    And I was drawn into it immediately by the first line in the introduction The transmission of ancient texts through the ages appears to be an almost miraculous event …

50 Shades of Gross

In the 2011 paper “Microbial Biogeography of Public Restroom Surfaces” Noah Fierer and others found that some of the toilet flush handles had similar microbial communities to those of the restroom floor, suggesting evidence of the germaphobic practice of flushing the toilet with a foot. I was curious to know if we could find other microbial …

NSF Funding Opportunity: Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships

Just got this from Amy Pruden, via Paula Olseiwski.   Seems like a potential opportunity to get some funding for the microbiology of the built environment from NSF.   The “Concept” of the program is described below: The Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships – Concept The Science and Technology Centers (STC): Integrative Partnerships program supports innovative …