2017 Innovation Lab on Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges in our Understanding of the Microbiome

Quick post here sharing an interesting sounding event “2017 Innovation Lab on Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges in our Understanding of the Microbiome“.   From the website:   The BD2K Training Coordinating Center is organizing an Innovation Lab to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations among quantitative and biomedical researchers to address data science challenges in …

A new #citizenmicrobiology project from @YourWild_Life looking for gutter samples #GutterCheck

Here is a great chance to participate in a microbiology of the built environment citizen science project on gutters. “Examining this water…I found floating therein divers earthy particles, and some green streaks, spirally wound serpent-wise…and I judge that some of these little creatures were above a thousand times smaller than the smallest ones I have ever …

Worth a read: Post by @SharonJPeacock & Claire Chewapreecha on tracking pathogen/biothreat behind #melioidosis

Quick post here.  Nice short post in the On Health Blog at Biomed Central on studies of the population genomics of Burkholderia. Melioidosis is a frequently fatal infectious disease caused by a bacterium (Burkholderia pseudomallei) found in soil in certain parts of the world. We have known about melioidosis for many years, but it’s only …

Important story by @HelenBranswell in @statnews: Why the advice to take all your antibiotics may be wrong

Quick post. This is a very important read by Helen Branswell in STAT for those interested in antibiotic resistance. Patients are told to finish their antibiotics, even if they feel better, but that guidance may be exacerbating antibiotic resistance, some experts say. Source: Why the advice to take all your antibiotics may be wrong  

Training the trainers: training for teaching computational workshops

This is a great idea —  Instructor training for teaching computational workshops. From my UC Davis colleague Titus Brown. I have copied details below. As part of our Summer Institute in Data Intensive Biology, we will be running a week-long instructor training from June 18 to June 25 at the University of California, Davis. The instructor training will …

Call for Papers MoBE 2017 Microbiome Special Issue

Call for Papers: MoBE 2017 Special Issue of BioMed Central’s Microbiome Journal  (Submission Guidelines) We invite submissions of MoBE papers highlighting recent research and emerging hot topics along the theme of “MoBE Research to Applications” for our peer-reviewed MoBE special issue. Publishing charges are sponsored by the MoBE meeting and BioMed Central’s Microbiome Journal. This special issue will be available by October 1st, …

These are actual living microbiologists #actuallivingscientist #microbiology #microbes

I have been tracking #actuallivingscientist postings on Twitter compiled those by people doing microbiology. Actual living microbiologists. [View the story “These are actual living microbiologists #actuallivingscientist #microbiology #microbes #microBEnet” on Storify]

From genomes to phenotypes: Traitar, the microbial trait analyzer

There is an increasing number of studies with a large number genomes recovered from isolate, metagenome, or single cell sequencing. To bridge the gap between the available genome sequences and available phenotype information, we have developed Traitar, a bioinformatics software to phenotype bacteria based on their genome sequence (see workflow below) . Traitar includes phenotype models for …

Interesting long read on Healthy Building efforts by @Google

Got pointed to a very interesting long read story by Erica Hartmann on Twitter: Long read about how @Google is helping ID healthier building materials. Can’t wait to be able to use Portico! https://t.co/gdxDL8IUYq — Erica Hartmann (@ericamhartmann) February 6, 2017 The story is by Diana Budds at the FastCoDesign. It is definitely worth a …