Podcast-Brandon Boor, PhD and Jelle Laverge, PhD: Human exposure to indoor air pollutants in sleep microenvironments: A literature review

Episode 478 is about what air quality humans are exposed to in their sleep. Two fresh members of the science of indoor air quality field, Brandon Boor and Jelle Laverge, discuss what they found after a literature review on the topic.  

Podcast-Radio Joe Reports: Sloan Research to Practice Kickoff & IAQA

IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) Radio is hosted by Joe “Radio Joe” Hughes and Cliff “Z-Man” Zlotnik. Every Friday at noon ET the show is live. Joe Hughes is the President of IAQ Training Institute and Cliff Zlotnik is the President of IDEAZ, LLC. Every week they interview experts from the indoor air quality, building sciences and …

Paper of interest: antibiotic resistance and the safety of reusing treated wastewater

Paper of possible interest: Hong, P.-Y.; Julian, T.R.; Pype, M.-L.; Jiang, S.C.; Nelson, K.L.; Graham, D.; Pruden, A.; Manaia, C.M. Reusing Treated Wastewater: Consideration of the Safety Aspects Associated with Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance Genes. Water 2018, 10, 244. Abstract: As more countries engage in water reuse, either intended or de facto, there is …

New paper of potential interest on economic development and the human microbiome

There is a new paper out of possible interest. Source: Stagaman K, Cepon-Robins TJ, Liebert MA, Gildner TE, Urlacher SS, Madimenos FC, Guillemin K, Snodgrass JJ, Sugiyama LS, Bohannan BJM. 2018. Market integration predicts human gut microbiome attributes across a gradient of economic development. mSystems 3:e00122-17. https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00122-17.     Abstract: Economic development is marked by dramatic …

Toothbrushes and using them might reduce hospital acquired pneumonia

Well this certainly caught my attention.  A friend and colleague Tara Smith posted this link to Facebook: Sutter Medical Center cut pneumonia by 70%. The key? 50,000 toothbrushes. | Advisory Board Daily Briefing So I went to the site and found some very interesting details including: Pneumonia typically is contracted from germs that enter the body …

Radio Joe Reports – Sloan Research to Practice Kickoff & IAQA #IAQ

Just got pointed to this by Paula Olsiewski.  “IAQ Radio” with Radio Joe.   Looks like they have a number of interviews with people in the field including Jordan Peccia, Mark Hernandez, Tiina Reponen, and more.   Episode #492 is a recent report of the IAQA Annual Meeting and the Sloan-funded “Roadmap Research to Practice”.  Worth checking …

Two new papers exploring the characteristics of infant microbial exposures

Early-life microbial exposure has been recognized to have a crucial role in immune development. Exposure in the actual infant breathing zone (BZ), influenced by the resuspension of floor dust, however, is little explored. Two recently published papers tackle this issue by assessing infant exposure to biological particulate matter (fluorescent biological aerosol particles, FBAPs) and microbial …