Upcoming National Academies Study on Legionella in Drinking Water Systems

Just got this from the a representative of the National Academy of Sciences who asked me to post here. UPDATED June 13, 2017 (based on email from NAS) Scope of work: An ad hoc committee of The National Academies will review the state of science with respect to Legionella contamination of water systems and issue …

EPA RFA on Reducing Public Exposure to Indoor Pollutants

New RFA for 2018–2020 now available! Closing Date: February 17, 2017Request for Applications (RFA): “National Indoor Environments Program: Reducing Public Exposure to Indoor Pollutants”U.S. EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR), Indoor Environments Division (IED) has posted a new RFA (EPA-OAR-ORIA-17-02) here, www.epa.gov/grants/air-grants-and-funding, and here, www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=290725. EPA expects to make between 10 and 20 awards. …

Summary and talks/slides from Workshop on the Microbiome of the International Space Station

Just a quick post here that all the information (including slides and videos) from a really interesting CASIS sponsored workshop are online.  The topic relates to the most extreme built environment to date… the International Space Station.   The workshop was called “Exploring the Microbiome/Immunome and Disease on the International Space Station” and took place back …

Using bacteria to do in situ construction of sorts on Earth and Mars

And it will change how we think about construction here on Earth. Source: Genetically Engineered Bacteria Will Get Construction Jobs on Mars | Inverse Not 100% sure what to think of this story but it certainly is interesting.  The basic summary: Jacqueline Ronson has written an article for Inverse about work by a group from Newcastle …

Assessing biochemical activity and metagenomic codes to a “T”

We’re recruiting a student/postdoc for this project! If it sounds interesting, please contact the Huttenhower Lab! We were happy to hear that we’ve been funded by the Sloan Foundation to continue our study of microbes on the Boston subway. Our original study involved 1) identifying which microbes were resident in this built environment, 2) understanding …

New Sloan Funded Project: The MoBE 2017 Research and Applications Symposium

We received the announcement today that the MoBE 2017 Symposium, chaired by Lynn Schriml at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Institute for Genome Sciences, has been funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s program in the Microbiology of the Built Environment. MoBE 2017 will be co-sponsored by and held at the National Academy …

Design that Heals — MASS Design Group

Interesting thoughts on the Built Environment by MASS Design group (https://massdesigngroup.org). Their film, “Design that Heals” just screened at the Architecture and Design Film Festival in NYC.  Watch the trailer below: MASS Design is interested in the long term effects of architecture on communities and the environment, and focuses on creating built spaces that are thoughtfully …

Another possible microbe-related unintended consequence of the Flint water crisis 

The NY Times is reporting that an outbreak of Shigellosis in Flint may be connected to the water crisis there (in that people’s changes in their hand cleaning and other washing behaviors due to the water may have contributed to the outbreak).  See the story (linked below) for more details.  If true this is yet …