Software of interest: MetaMLST: multi-locus strain-level bacterial typing from metagenomic samples

New software/tool of possible interest: Source: MetaMLST: multi-locus strain-level bacterial typing from metagenomic samples Software: Abstract: Metagenomic characterization of microbial communities has the potential to become a tool to identify pathogens in human samples. However, software tools able to extract strain-level typing information from metagenomic data are needed. Low-throughput molecular typing schema such as Multilocus …

microbiology of the Built Environment session at Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomes meeting

microBEnet sponsored a “Microbiology of the Built Environment” session at the Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomes meeting earlier today. The schedule for the session is below Rachel Dutton University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA “Genetics and Genomics of the Simple Microbial Communities from Cheese” Elizabeth Hénaff Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY “The Microbiome …

Gut Check: The Microbiome Game now available for purchase

So 18 months after we released the free, print-at-home version of Gut Check: The Microbiome game we finally have a commercial version!  The game is available from MOBIO Laboratories here, for the very reasonable price of $20 with free shipping.  For a really nice write-up about the game, check out this blog post from Anne …

Dual postdoctoral fellowship opportunity to study the microbiology of the #ISS

This is so awesome. The Sloan Program in Microbiology of the Built Environment is offering a pair of postdoc fellowships to work on the microbiology of the International Space Station. Summary of the call is below, the compete information packet can be downloaded here.  And if that’s not cool enough, the next blog post is …

Emily Anthes on “Can science build the perfect workspace? ” #BuiltEnvironment #microbiomes

Windows, desks and employees are being wired up in a quest to create healthy, evidence-based environments. Interesting article by Emily Anthes in Nature: The office experiment: Can science build the perfect workspace? : Nature News & Comment It focuses on a collaboration between the Mayo Clinic and a design firm – Delos to create something called the …

Antimicrobial chemicals and antibiotic resistance in dust – now open access!

Jumping on the blame train, my colleagues and I have found yet another reason to avoid antibacterial products.  Our study, which identified a correlation between certain antibiotic resistance genes and the much maligned triclosan in indoor dust, was published in Environmental Science & Technology last week.  As of today, the full text version is freely …

The hot new 10 questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings will surprise you

Ok so I made this into Clickbait.  But you really should read this and that has nothing to do with me being a co-author. The paper is “Ten questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings” and it is in “Building and Environment” a journal that I am becoming more and more appreciative of every month.  The …

EPA Webinar and Discussion: What Have We Learned about the Microbiomes of Indoor Environments?

Paula Olsiewski just pointed us to this upcoming webinar and discussion hosted by Brent Stephens.   This presumably relates closely to his article on the same topic which is a must-read. What Have We Learned about the Microbiomes of Indoor Environments? Presented by: Brent Stephens, PhD, Associate Professor of Architectural   Engineering,   Illinois Institute of Technology Date and …

7th ICME w/ Publishing dos and don’ts for Microbial Ecologists session

I don’t know anything about this course but certainly seems of interest. ————– Dear Colleagues, this is a reminder for the upcoming deadline for application to the 7th edition of the International Course in Microbial Ecology (7ICME – The event, entitled “Publishing dos and don’ts for Microbial Ecologists”, will take place from 24 to 27 …