Health + Energy Research Consortium

. The Biology and the Built Environment Center (BioBE) and Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory (ESBL) at the University of Oregon, are pleased to announce the launch of the the Health + Energy Research Consortium!  On May 4-5, 2017, in Portland Oregon, we begin our journey to dramatically reduce energy consumption and maximize human health …

Standards for Pathogen Detection for Biosurveillance & Clinical Applications Workshop | NIST

Of possible interest: Source: Standards for Pathogen Detection for Biosurveillance and Clinical Applications Workshop | NIST From the email announcement I received: Hosted by NIST and the DHS Science and Technology Directorate August 14th and 15th on the NIST Campus in Gaithersburg, MD One Page Abstracts for talks, lightning talks and posters are now being accepted. Please …

DoD Microbiome Symposium – 6-7 April, 2017

We are welcoming anyone who would like to join us online for the DoD microbiome symposium to be held at the United States Air Force from 5-7 April (see schedule below).  The symposium will explore current and future research directions in the human and built environment microbiome that may benefit the DoD, Veterans, and their …

Microbiology Student Symposium at UC Berkeley 4/29/17

Microbiology Student Symposium at UC Berkeley (free & credit as local conf for DE-HMI students) When: April 29th, 2017 9 AM – 5 PM, reception to follow Where: David Brower Center 2150 Allston Way, Suite 100, Berkeley, CA 94704 Keynote speakers: Bonnie Bassler (Princeton) Edward DeLong (U Hawaii) More info & registration:

MoBE 2017 Registration and Poster Abstract Submission

Attendee Registration Attendee registration opens March 1st. Please join us at the Microbiology of the Built Environment (2017) Symposium. Registration is open to MoBE researchers, stakeholders and community members. Invited keynotes, speakers, plenary session chairs, panel discussion moderators and panelists are pre-registered by the MoBE 2017 organizing committee. Registration will be open from March 1st through …

Genomic Standards Consortium 19 in Australia May 2017 registration open (focus on viruses & microbial euks)

I thought this would be of interest – got it by email We are happy to announce that registration for GSC19 is now open! The meeting will take place at the Stamford Plaza, Brisbane, Australia between 15th-17th May, 2017. The theme of the meeting will be Extending Standards to Viruses and Microbial Eukaryotes. The …

2017 Innovation Lab on Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges in our Understanding of the Microbiome

Quick post here sharing an interesting sounding event “2017 Innovation Lab on Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges in our Understanding of the Microbiome“.   From the website:   The BD2K Training Coordinating Center is organizing an Innovation Lab to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations among quantitative and biomedical researchers to address data science challenges in …

Call for Papers MoBE 2017 Microbiome Special Issue

Call for Papers: MoBE 2017 Special Issue of BioMed Central’s Microbiome Journal  (Submission Guidelines) We invite submissions of MoBE papers highlighting recent research and emerging hot topics along the theme of “MoBE Research to Applications” for our peer-reviewed MoBE special issue. Publishing charges are sponsored by the MoBE meeting and BioMed Central’s Microbiome Journal. This special issue will be available by October 1st, …