@ASM Conference on The Individual Microbe

Just announced: @ASM Conference on The Individual Microbe: Single-cell Analysis and Agent-based Modeling March 18—20, 2016 ASM Headquarters Washington, DC. @ASM Conferences are designed to foster interaction and facilitate collaboration between 50 invited participants by having in-depth discussions on a single topic and serving as an incubator for bringing new scientific specialty meetings to the …

Empiricist League #16 meeting at Union Hall on The Hidden DNA of NYC

OK this looks like it will be really really interesting.  Laurie Garrett sent me a link to this announcment about a meeting of the Empiricist League in New York: What are the 15,000 microscopic lifeforms that live on the subway? How disgusting are the contaminants in the Gowanus Canal? Can we use technology to stop …

Animal antibiotic stewardship workshop

In response to studies showing that antibiotic resistance can spread through the food supply, the FDA has made some recent policy decisions about the use of antibiotics in livestock rearing. A public meeting will be held by the FDA on September 30, 2015, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Jefferson Auditorium, 14th and Independence …

Talk Videos from Healthy Buildings 2015 Europe Session on Microbiology of the Built Environment 

Just got pointed to this collection of videos from a Sloan Foundation supported symposium on microbiology of the built environment that was held at Healthy Buildings 2015: HB2015 Europe Sloan Symposium Videos – Building Ecology The videos are all avaiable on Vimeo.  I have embedded them below: Healthy Buildings Europe 2015 Keynote dr. Miia Pitkaranta from …

Storify of tweets from Microbiology of the Built Environment 2015

Sadly I was unable to make the MoBE 2015 meeting… it’s the first one I’ve missed since they started in 2012.  From following the tweets, it sounded like a great and productive meeting as usual!   Here’s the Storify for anyone else who wants to see what happened… hopefully we’ll get out some blog posts from …

CO2 and ventilation rate measurements from Day 1 of MoBE 2015

This is just a quick posting of some building science data that I collected during Day 1 of the 4th Annual Conference on the Microbiology of the Built Environment in Boulder, CO. I setup a couple of our Open Source Building Science Sensors (OSBSS) in the front corner of the room before the conference convened yesterday and left …

Tutorial on how to make a Home Environment Hub

I went to Maker Faire a couple of weeks ago and came across a company called Initial State, who makes beautiful software where you can look at your built environment data in real time dashboards. In this blog post, they have a tutorial on how make a simple “Home Environment Hub” to monitor different variables inside of a room: …