ASM Symposium #241: Microbial Revelations of the Built Environment

Looks like there will be a great symposium on the Microbiology of the Built Environment this year.  The symposium is organized by Filipa Godoy-Vitorino and Sarah Preheim.   Speakers include several Sloan-funded labs  (including Maria Dominguez-Bello, James Meadow, and Mark Hernandez) and it looks to cover a wide range of cool topics.   Check out the video below:

Storify of Tweets, Background, Videos from #AAASMoBE meeting on Microbiomes of the Built Environment

Just a quick post here. The AAAS Meeting on “Microbiomes of the Built Environment” that was sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation was on Thursday. I have made a “Storification” of the Tweets, Background and Videos from the meeting. I have embedded the Storify below. It can also be accessed directly here. We will be …

Who are the microbes in your neighborhood? And some background for #AAASMoBe Symposium

Tomorrow all day there will be a meeting at AAAS HQ on “Microbiomes of the Built Environment“.  I will be speaking at the meeting, and this is one of my major research areas, so I am a bit biased, but the meeting is going to be great I think.  And it will be webcast live. …

Sloan MBE grantees: Save the date, June 4-6 for the 3rd annual conference in Boulder

Just a quick “save the date” note here.  The 3rd annual Conference on the Microbiology of the Built Environment will be held at the Boulder Marriott (same as last year) on June 4-6 2014.  This conference is typically limited to Sloan grantees, their labs, and various folks from the field invited by the Sloan Foundation. …

Looking for Workshop Ideas in Microbiology of the Built Environment!

We need your help! One of the goals for microBEnet in 2014 is to host/organize/support targeted workshops within the broad area of the microbiology of the built environment.  In the past we’ve been involved in a number of general workshops since the field was so new.   Now we’d like to focus more on specific areas …

Keith Redway’s lectures added to web resources

We’ve just added a new link on our resources page — a whole lot of lectures by Keith Redway of the University of Westminister. The list includes the following: Recombinant DNA Technology & GM (3BIO7M4, 3BIO7X1) Laboratory Management & Safety (3GAM405) Medical Microbiology (3MED666) History of Microbiology Medically important bacteria Transfer of antibiotic resistance – …