Enjoy this engaging panel discussion discussing the myth and reality of MoBE manipulation. The panel consists of Rita Colwell, Jeffrey Siegel, Ilana Brito, and Jessica Green. Moderated by Rob Knight, University of California San Diego. This was recorded at the MoBE 2017 symposium in Washington D.C. If you’re interested, check out all of the other speakers …
Enjoy this wonderful talk from Richard Corsi recorded at the MoBE 2017 symposium in Washington D.C. If you’re interested, check out all of the other speakers from MoBE 2017 on our YouTube channel!
This looks good Genomics of Energy and Environment Meeting – DOE JGI User Meeting 2018 Also bonus meeting: Viral EcoGenomics and Applications (VEGA) 2018: Big data approaches to help characterize earth’s Virome
On December 12-13, the National Academies’ Forum on Microbial Threats, in collaboration with the Board on Life Sciences, will host a 1.5-day workshop examining “Urbanization and Slums: New Transmission Pathways of Infectious Diseases in the Built Environment.” This workshop was developed with input from the experts and staff that produced the National Academy of Sciences …
Check out the MoBE talks (slides & videos) and photos taken throughout the symposium. Videos of MoBE Symposium presentations and panel discussion are now available on the microBEnet YouTube channel. MoBE YouTube videos: MoBE talks and panel discussions. MoBE Slides – figshare #MOBE2017 MoBE photos on Flickr (MOBE2017 group)
I gave a talk last week for the NAS Microbiomes of the Built Environment 2017 (aka #MOBE17) meeting. I posted the slides I used to SlideShare and I am embedding them below. I spent a bunch of time thinking about what I would say at this meeting. I did not want to talk about what …
The third and final day started with a Keynote talk by Marc Edwards about “MoBE, Public Health and the Flint Water Crisis”. It’s really hard to sum up this talk, I would recommend watching the video if interested. Marc talked about the Flint crisis from their perspective, starting with their pre-existing work on corrosion and …
Here’s the Storify from Day 3 of the Microbiology of the Built Environment meeting in Washington D.C. A more detailed summary to follow later. [View the story “#MOBE17 Day 3 Summary via Storify” on Storify]
The first evening of the #MoBE17 meeting was a reception, with a fabulous keynote talk by Ed Yong mainly focused on Science Communication. Ed had a number of tips for interacting with journalists and thinking about how we present stories instead of facts. The quote of the evening was surely “you cannot replace a feeling …
Made a summary via Storify of Tweets for Day2 of the MOBE17 meeting. [View the story “#MOBE17 Day 2” on Storify] Since Storify is disappearing soon, we have converted this Storify into a Wakelet and are embedding it here