“Battle Against the Flu” on radio 10 January

Thursday January 10 at 10:06 am on the east coast, the Diane Rehm Show will focus on the flu. You can read the advance description at http://thedianerehmshow.org/shows/2013-01-10/battle-against-flu. To find your local station, if you don’t already know it, go to www.npr.org. Most local stations make their broadcasts available on their web sites. “This year’s flu …

In Abu Dhabi keep your pool clean …

Well, microbial studies of swimming pools may get a boost from the Abu Dhabi government.  In Fines of up to Dh100,000 for breaking pool rules in Abu Dhabi – The National there is a discussion of rules to make sure pools are safe and clean.  I particularly like the line: “We do not get the bacteria in the …

If you give Cliff a whiff he sniffs out Cdiff in a jiff

OK, this is one of the more interesting “microbiology of the built environment” stories I have seen in a while: Cliff the beagle sniffs out dangerous infections in hospitals | SmartPlanet. A new paper in BMJ reports on training and testing of dogs to detect Clostridium difficile infections in hospitals. There is even a video included …

Quick post – major Legionnaires’ outbreak at VA hospital in Pittsburgh

Wow – this is disturbing: VA under scrutiny after Legionnaires’ cases in Pittsburgh – CNN.com. Seems that there has been an outbreak of Legionnaires’ at the VA hospital in Pittsburgh and apparently the hospital officials new knew about problems for a year but did not reveal this. For more on this see Doyle, Casey seek investigations …

Paper can transfer bacteria too – hand to paper and back again

We recently wrote about moldy documents in French archives and a higher incidence of asthma among workers who handled documents than others working in the same spaces but not handling them. See our previous post: “Hands off the moldy docs (for your own good?)” Now we find researchers reported that bacteria can also be transferred …

Bad germs in your hospital room? Cleaning may not be working as well as thought.

One the one hand this story represents an important set of findings: Hospital Rooms Can Be Bacteria Reservoirs : Personal Liberty Digestâ„¢.  Main point: Hospital rooms are not getting to be germ free after cleaning.  And in this case they focused on rooms where the recently discharged patient had a history of infection with multidrug resistant …

Hands off the moldy docs (for your own good?)

French archive employees handling moldy documents were found to be more likely to experience headaches, fatigue, eye or throat irritation, coughing, and rhinorrhea (stuffy nose) than their co-workers breathing the same air but not handling moldy documents . The culture and qPCR-based analysis of air samples showed Penicillium chrysogenum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, and Aspergillus versicolor were …