Growing houses like bones … interesting system for studying microbes in buildings

Well this is both weird and very interesting: 3D houses “grown” like bones | SmartPlanet.  Sort of a combination of 3D printing, bioinspired design, and architecture.  Not sure what the future of this is but if they want to have walls that grow / respond to stresses they could consider making them actually alive.  Maybe it …

MRSA found in wastewater treatment plants

Just a short post here about a new study published in Environmental Health Perspectives “Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Detected at Four U.S. Wastewater Treatment Plants” Unlike some of the stories we rag on about potential pathogens in the built environment (things like “we found E. coli!”), there is a real concern about finding MRSA in …

Hurricane Sandy and the Microbiology of the Built Environment: Guest Post by James Scott.

(The following is a guest post by James Scott, from the University of Toronto) The receding waters of hurricane Sandy left a trail of destruction along the eastern seaboard of North America – demolishing homes and businesses, flooding neighborhoods and transportation systems, disrupting electricity and water supplies. The havoc wrought by Sandy poignantly affirms the brutal …

Meningitis/steroid case highlights desperate need for more studies of microbiology of the built environment

Well, the meningitis outbreak tied to steroid injections gets scarier and scarier by the day: Poor Sanitation Found at Pharmacy Linked to Meningitis Outbreak –  One of the latest pieces of news is that the pharmacy that was “compounding” the steroids for injection appears to have been a “microbiology of the built environment” nightmare.  Some …

Websites for the Hospital Microbiome Project and the Home Microbiome Project

I recently posted here about one of the new Sloan-funded projects in the microbiology of the built environment, the “Hospital Microbiome Project”.  One thing I didn’t mention is that they already have some interesting preliminary results from the construction phase of the project that are worth checking out. Jack Gilbert has also been involved in …