Journal of Bacteriology minireview collection on host-microbe interactions

Just got this announcement via email and thought it might be of interest. New eBook Special Collection of JB Minreviews Dear Colleague, The microbial world is a competitive place, and bacteria have evolved diverse strategies to sense their environment and survive in it. These strategies involve acquiring necessary nutrients, particularly when inside a mammalian host, …

Paper of interest comparing taxonomies of SILVA, RDP, Greengenes, NCBI and OTT 

Just a quick post here.  There is a paper of interest I thought I would call attention to: Source: SILVA, RDP, Greengenes, NCBI and OTT — how do these taxonomies compare? | BMC Genomics  by Monika Balvočiūtė and Daniel H. Huson Abstract: Background A key step in microbiome sequencing analysis is read assignment to taxonomic units. …

Call for Input: Grand Challenges and Opportunities for Environmental Engineering and Science for the 21st Century

Of possible interest: Call for Input: Grand Challenges and Opportunities for Environmental Engineering and Science for the 21st Century Committee Appointed and Call for Input: Grand Challenges in Environmental Engineering and Science for the 21st Century To help guide the next generation of environmental engineers and scientists, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine …

ASM Press Release: Bacteria Fight Corrosion on Ancient Iron Artifacts

This is a cross-posting of a Press Release from the American Society for Microbiology. A team of Swiss chemists and microbiologists have shown that a species of anaerobic bacterium can inhibit corrosion on archeological artifacts made of iron. The research is published March 10 in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, a journal of the American Society …

3/12 Deadline to Apply: Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical Data Science on the Microbiome

This looks interesting: Source: Innovation Lab 2017 – BD2K Training Coordinating Center From the site The BD2K Training Coordinating Center is organizing an Innovation Lab to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations among quantitative and biomedical researchers to address data science challenges in our understanding of the microbiome. The scope of microbiome, as defined here, broadly describes the …

#microBEnet News: @kylejbibby receives @NSF CAREER award to study viruses in water

Just found out via Twitter about a cool new grant that was awarded: Congrats to Kyle Bibby @kylejbibby on this NSF grant!#microbenet @SloanFoundation — Paula Olsiewski (@polsiewski) March 1, 2017   Through a five-year, $500,000 CAREEER Award from the National Science Foundation, a civil and environmental engineering research group at the University of Pittsburgh’s …

MoBE 2017 Registration and Poster Abstract Submission

Attendee Registration Attendee registration opens March 1st. Please join us at the Microbiology of the Built Environment (2017) Symposium. Registration is open to MoBE researchers, stakeholders and community members. Invited keynotes, speakers, plenary session chairs, panel discussion moderators and panelists are pre-registered by the MoBE 2017 organizing committee. Registration will be open from March 1st through …

NPR’s @jeremyhobson on @hereandnow interviews @jordan_peccia on “How Do Indoor Microbiomes Affect Human Health”

Worth a listen – On “Here and Now” –  Jeremy Hobson interviews Jordan Peccia about the ongoing NPR study on How Do Indoor Microbiomes Affect Human Health? The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine are conducting a study of microbial communities inside buildings and how they affect human health. Source: How Do Indoor Microbiomes Affect Human Health? …

Genomic Standards Consortium 19 in Australia May 2017 registration open (focus on viruses & microbial euks)

I thought this would be of interest – got it by email We are happy to announce that registration for GSC19 is now open! The meeting will take place at the Stamford Plaza, Brisbane, Australia between 15th-17th May, 2017. The theme of the meeting will be Extending Standards to Viruses and Microbial Eukaryotes. The …