Indoor Microbiome Meta-analysis

A new paper from Adams et al does a meta-analysis of indoor microbiome data to further characterize the microbial interactions within the indoor built environment. They used sequence data from four studies that covered South Korean homes, Colorado restroom surfaces, Colorado kitchen surfaces, and North Carolina homes, and found that communities were most similar between the type …

Postdoc and grad student Summit — preceding the EMBO Symposium on Aquatic Microeukaryotes

Apologies for the late notice on this .. but this may be of interest. Got this announcement a few days ago: Colleagues — Preceding this January’s EMBO Symposium on Aquatic Microeukaryotes in Heidelberg (January 26—29, 2016), the Marine Microbiology Initiative (MMI) is sponsoring a small two-day Summit for up to 24 postdoctoral fellows and advanced graduate …

Recent papers on microbiology of the built environment: Microbes in pipes

New papers on microbes in water treatment plants and pipes. Microbes in pipes Revealing the microbial community structure of clogging materials in dewatering wells differing in physico-chemical parameters in an open-cast mining area – Juanjuan Wang – Water Research Iron rich deposits cause clogging the pumps and pipes of dewatering wells in open-cast mines, interfering …

Recent papers on microbiology of the built environment: Microbes in buildings and food

Time for an update with recent papers on the microbes of the built environment. I have many, so I will break them up into two different posts. Microbes in buildings Microbial Density on Electronic Devices – Sulan Kith – Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci Human participants each used an tablet, smart phone and media player for 20 minutes. We predicted that microbial density would …

A Novel Approach to Combating Antibiotic Resistance?

It is well known that antibiotic resistance in bacteria happens much faster than we can possibly develop novel antibiotics. So what if instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, we just rearrange it? Well, researchers at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute had a similar idea in regards to reducing antibiotic resistance …

Research on Plant Microbes May Help with Global Food Security

A recent news article discusses the impact of plant/soil microbiome research on agriculture, specifically helping feed a projected 9 million people in 2050. Novozymes and other corporations are working with researchers and farmers to make microbial products that help promote and optimize plant growth in various ways (for instance, drought tolerance). The idea sounds a bit like …

California Limits Antimicrobials in Livestock

I’m very excited about this news story. California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill requiring antimicrobial drugs to be available only through veterinary prescription and not simply for growth promotion. It’s a small step in limiting widespread resistance from overuse of antibiotics, but hopefully it serves as an example to other states and nations. China …

mSystems – Yet Another Microbiome Journal?

Yet Another Microbiome Journal? Jack A Gilbert Earlier this year I was invited by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) to be the Founding Editor in Chief of a new journal that they insisted would add to the cadre of existing publications supported by the ASM. As a constant editor I was interested, but also …

Wrap up of talk by Norm Pace on “Metagenomics and the Tree of Life”

Norm Pace gave a talk at UC Davis yesterday on “Metagenomics and the Tree of Life”. I and a few other people posted live Tweets from the talk which I have compiled together via the Storify system.  This “Storify” is embedded below. In addition, Lisa Cohen, who was at the talk posted her notes which …