Recent Papers on microbiology of the built environment, August 3, 2015

Recent papers about microbiology of the built environment and water treatment. Two of them are about fish, so here is a 70s classic rock song in a modern version, to go with this post: Barracuda by Heart and Fergie. Open Access: Temporal and Spatial Stability of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria in Aquarium Biofilters –  Bagchi, Siegfried E. Vlaeminck, …

University of Oregon research on microbial communities in 72 homes

The University of Oregon published this announcement on AAAS’ EurekAlert: Oregon architecture researchers to study indoor air quality in 72 homes. So a good song to play while reading this post would be: “Portland, Oregon” ‌‌by Loretta Lynn & Jack White. The press release starts off with a short summary of this project: University of Oregon researchers and industry partners …

Talk Videos from Healthy Buildings 2015 Europe Session on Microbiology of the Built Environment 

Just got pointed to this collection of videos from a Sloan Foundation supported symposium on microbiology of the built environment that was held at Healthy Buildings 2015: HB2015 Europe Sloan Symposium Videos – Building Ecology The videos are all avaiable on Vimeo.  I have embedded them below: Healthy Buildings Europe 2015 Keynote dr. Miia Pitkaranta from …

The story behind the paper: From Greek drama via biocontrol and wrongly named commensals to tritagonists.

Sometimes in science, a new idea and even a publication emerge from a serendipitous discussion over coffee. This is a short background on how Cosima, Mitja, and Florian discovered and defined the term “tritagonist”, which was recently published as a commentary in the ISME Journal (Link). In our case, Florian was writing a research project about …

Recent Built Environment Microbiology papers, July 27, 2015

A short post, with only 2 papers. The first one is about microbes detected in the homes of a French cohort of children, and the second one looked at the bacteria growing on plastic garbage found on the bottom of the North Sea. Here is your song to go with it: Miranda Lambert – The House That Built Me. Microbiological characterization of 3193 French …

Breaking down human emissions

Microbiology of the Built Environment research these recent years have explored how humans are a source of microbes and microbial products indoors. To further study the effect of human occupancy on the biological aerosols of indoor space, our research group at Berkeley decided to move from observation studies to controlled experiments to isolate – and quantify – this …

Recent Built Environment Microbiology papers, July 20, 2015

I did not find a lot of recent papers on indoor microbiology, but quite a couple on the microbiology of drinking and wastewater, and some on ballast, pharmacy, and oil-platform water. Since this blog is all about water, I am playing The Waterboys – The Whole Of The Moon in the background. Free with registration: Acute Gastrointestinal Illness Risks …

Storify of tweets from Microbiology of the Built Environment 2015

Sadly I was unable to make the MoBE 2015 meeting… it’s the first one I’ve missed since they started in 2012.  From following the tweets, it sounded like a great and productive meeting as usual!   Here’s the Storify for anyone else who wants to see what happened… hopefully we’ll get out some blog posts from …

CO2 and ventilation rate measurements from Day 1 of MoBE 2015

This is just a quick posting of some building science data that I collected during Day 1 of the 4th Annual Conference on the Microbiology of the Built Environment in Boulder, CO. I setup a couple of our Open Source Building Science Sensors (OSBSS) in the front corner of the room before the conference convened yesterday and left …

Metagenomics of toilet waste from long distance flights

I just saw this paper, published a couple of days ago in Nature’s Scientific Reports. And yeah, it’s open access! While reading this post, I would suggest playing Dalai Lama by Rammstein, the in-flight version of Der Erlkönig. Meta-genomic analysis of toilet waste from long distance flights; a step towards global surveillance of infectious diseases and antimicrobial …