New Sloan-funded program in the built environment: Microbial diversity in 1,000 homes across the United States

Another just-approved project in the built environment.   This project led by Noah Fierer (CU Boulder), Shelly Miller (CU Boulder) and Rob Dunn (North Carolina State) will look at the factors structuring bacterial and fungal diversity in 1,000 homes across the United States. We propose the first continental-scale study testing how and why house-associated microbial communities …

Yes, Virginia, you “emit” microbes when you walk into a room

Glad to see this paper on emission of bacteria by people is now available under Wiley’s “Open Access” option: Size-resolved emission rates of airborne bacteria and fungi in an occupied classroom – Qian – 2012 I am particularly glad since this one got a lot of media coverage and I think it is VERY important for …

Stirring up the air with vacuums – interesting new study

Well, normally I find popular press stories about getting rid of dust and bacteria to be mostly fear mongering.  But this article from WebMD (which much of the time I have complaints about) actually seems worth a look: Are Vacuum Cleaners Bad for Your Health?.  The article discusses in part new work from Australian researchers on …

Defense against bacterial biofilms on boats

When I think of things that problematically attach themselves the bottom of boats, I usually think of barnacles.   But bacterial biofilms can also be a problem, and can make the substrate more attractive to larger organisms. I saw an interesting story today on work focused on developing anti-fouling systems that aren’t toxic to the environment.  …

Ever been grossed out by hospital workers wearing scrubs wherever they go? New study relates to this

When I walk around UC Davis campus or visit areas near hospitals I am always dismayed by the number of people wearing their scrubs when they go out to lunch, seminars, or just walk around.  I have always wondered whether those scrubs harbor anything nasty.  Well, a new study in the American Journal of Infection Control …

What microbes are lurking in your fish tank? Good candidate for some citizen microbiology I think

Recently I wrote here about a new report on a citizen microbiology effort focusing on microbes in water heaters: More on citizen microbiology project from @Penn_State & @NASA on thermophiles in water heaters via @scicheer @Sci4Cits Well, a new paper in PLoS One (PLoS ONE: Aquarium Nitrification Revisited: Thaumarchaeota Are the Dominant Ammonia Oxidizers in Freshwater …

More on bacteria in city air: “Your faeces, my furry friend, are blowin’ in the wind”

Well, kudos I suppose to the headline writer for this one: Your faeces, my furry friend, are blowin’ in the wind – health – 12 August 2011 – New Scientist. The article is about recent work by Noah Fierer and colleagues on bacteria in outdoor air in cities. Not exactly microbiology of the built environment …