Job Posting: Postdoc at Virginia Tech “Microbial Biodiversity in Trans-Atlantic Dust Plumes”

Thanks to Linsey Marr for passing this along.  Job description below: Postdoctoral Associate Position Microbial Biodiversity in Trans-Atlantic Dust Plumes Position Description: We invite applications for a three-year NASA funded postdoctoral research position in a multi-institutional and highly interdisciplinary research project. The project goal is to integrate multiplatform satellite and ground observations, as well as …

A very important paper for any interested in microbial ecology: importance of rare taxa

Got pointed to this paper by automated Google Scholar searches that I have for many of the authors of the paper: Conditionally Rare Taxa Disproportionately Contribute to Temporal Changes in Microbial Diversity in mBio by Ashley Shade, Stuart E. Jones, J. Gregory Caporaso, Jo Handelsman, Rob Knight, Noah Fierer, and Jack A. Gilbert. In the paper (which is, …

Richard Branson getting into microbial diversity (partly) #microBEnet

Richard Branson is planning a deep sea exploration project that will include sampling of microbial diversity with Katrina Edwards and Doug Bartlett and others.  For more information see here: Richard Branson launches Virgin Oceanic: deep-sea exploring submarines – Boing Boing. Perhaps we can convince him to also use his planes and spaceships to sample airborn …