Should we change the threshold for statistical significance? Many think so ..

There is a new preprint that was posted recently in the PsyArXiv that may (or even should) be of interest: Redefine statistical significance by Benjamin al. One sentence summary from the authors: We propose to change the default P-value threshold for statistical significance for claims of new discoveries from 0.05 to 0.005. First page or so: …

The cheese microbiome as a model. system continues to yield useful results

The “cheese microbiome” as a model system continues to yield useful results.  Model systems for microbiome & microbial ecology studies are really important and it is great to see how this system has continued to develop.  This is worth a look. The search for lively bacterial communities led Rachel Dutton, a microbiologist at UC San …

Storify of Talk by Jo Handelsman at DOE JGI Meeting on Plant Secondary Metabolites

This may be of interest to some. I made a Storify of some Tweets by me and a few others from a talk by Jo Handelsman yesterday. ———————– UPDATE December 2018 Storify is no longer in existence. Fortunately we were able to convert the Storify summary to one via Wakelet. Wakelet details Link to the …

Superbugs Phone Game and Longitude Prize Competition #Resistance

This looks pretty cool Source: Superbugs | Longitude Prize From their site Destroy deadly bacteria and keep humanity’s precious antibiotics working for as long as you can in this free, fast-paced, and addictive action game. The story of this casual, real-time puzzle game comes straight from today’s headlines: The rise of superbugs, resistant bacteria which …

Everyone should read this piece by Ed Yong: Norm Pace Blew The Door Off The Microbial World

There is a wonderful tribute to Norm Pace in the Atlantic by Ed Yong. Norm Pace truly did blow the door off the microbial world. Source: Norm Pace Blew The Door Off The Microbial World – The Atlantic Lots of good stuff in there about Pace and his career.  See for example this: Pace also …

An interesting idea – “The Genomics Education Alliance”

Just got an email pointing me to this White Paper on Figshare …… Seems like a worthy ambition and worth a look. Some key bits: Vision The rapid pace of scientific advancement presents a continuing challenge to effective life science education. The genomics revolution brings with it a unique challenge for the biology educator, as …

Worth a look: DNA Links Deadly Germs, Tainted Heart Surgery Devices To German Factory 

Quick post here. This is definitely worth a look for those interested in hospital acquired infections, microbial genomics, and genomic epidemiology or related topics. LivaNova plant in Germany is the likely source behind outbreak that has sickened more than 100 people since 2013. Source: DNA Links Deadly Germs, Tainted Heart Surgery Devices To German Factory …

This story about naked surgery has no clothes …

A University of Washington study found surgeons in the nude shed ‘significantly less bacteria than those wearing scrubs’, but admitted it was not likely to ever happen. So – this DailyMail story certainly has a catchy headline: Surgeons can stop spread of germs by operating NAKED | Daily Mail Online. Alas, the story is seriously …