Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics Meeting (#LAMG2018) Day 2

Day 2 of Lake Arrowhead kicked off with a nice mix of talks with seemingly a focus on biogeography and spatial resolution of microbial communities which was pretty interesting to see. First was Martin Ackermann from ETH Zurich, Switzerland “A Microscale Perspective on Microbial Interactions”.  Introduced topic by talking about the need to understand what’s …

Another “more germs than a toilet seat” study and resultant media explosion

I’m torn between wanting to ignore this story and wanting to attack the media reports on the study.   I think I’ll compromise on a minimum set of complaints. Firstly, the paper itself (“Deposition of respiratory virus pathogens on frequently touched surfaces at airports“) is more or less fine.   The authors used real-time PCR to look …

1st annual CMI International Microbiome Meeting (CIMM) w/ a great #STEMDiversity statement & plan 

There is a microbiome meeting of potential interest to folks: the 1st annual CMI International Microbiome Meeting (CIMM) in San Diego.  From the meeting site: On behalf of Dr. Rob Knight, the Center for Microbiome Innovation is pleased to host the 1st annual CMI International Microbiome Meeting (CIMM) on February 27–28, 2019 in San Diego. Additionally, we are pleased to announce that the 1st Urobiome Meeting on February 26, 2019, led by Linda Brubaker MD, …

Closed access review of the MoBE field

Very torn about this.  On the one hand “Microbiology of the Built Environment” by Jack Gilbert and Brent Stephens is a great summary of the current status of the field.   On the other hand, it’s behind a paywall and I can’t access the article from my house where I am currently working.   In the interests …

Meeting: Applications, Promise and Public Implications of Metagenomics in Urban Settings

Just got pointed to a description of this 1-day meeting in New York on October 12, 2018… “It’s a Brave New World: Applications, Promise and Public Implications of Metagenomics in Urban Settings”.   Sounds like a great lineup of speakers and certainly a fascinating topic!   Meeting description below:   This 1-day symposium brings together urban microbiome …

Job posting: University of Puget Sound Assistant Professor in Biology

Job posting from the University of Puget Sound, looking for someone with an interest in both teaching and bioinformatics.  Summary text below:   The Department of Biology at the University of Puget Sound, a predominantly undergraduate liberal arts college in Tacoma, Washington, seeks to recruit a tenure-line Assistant Professor. Excellence in teaching is highly valued …

Thinking about microbial quantity and function

One of the hurdles in linking microbial ecology with building science has been incorporating quantitative information about the microorganisms encountered in indoor environments, mainly because the standard high-throughput amplicon approach for community analysis is semi-quantitative, at best. Over the summer, there was a Twitter conversation related to this topic. My take-away from this (what I view …

Fluorescent biological aerosol particles in residence

Residences represent an important site for bioaerosol exposure because of the large proportion of time that people spend in their homes. Using real-time instrumentation, our recent study in Indoor Air investigated bioaerosol concentrations, emissions, and exposures in a northern California residence, focusing on the effect of human occupancy and activities. Using an ultraviolet aerodynamic particle …

Call for Proposals: 2019 FICUS JGI-NERSC-KBase Biological Data Science

Of potential interest: Source: FICUS JGI-NERSC-KBase – DOE Joint Genome Institute I am copying some of the announcement below: The Biological Data Science call will enable users to perform state-of-the-art computational research to explore the wealth of genomic and metagenomic data generated worldwide and translate sequence information into biological discovery. Users will have access to …