Everyone needs their microbe art fix: 10 Ways To Boost Your Microbiota On EtsyÂ

Worth a look – everyone should get their Art and Microbes fix on: 10 Ways To Boost Your Microbiota On Etsy | the vexed muddler
Worth a look – everyone should get their Art and Microbes fix on: 10 Ways To Boost Your Microbiota On Etsy | the vexed muddler
The electron microscope facility on campus here at UC Davis has been hosting a tabletop scanning electron microscope for the past two weeks. We were invited to bring samples and test it out, no sample preparation required. And so for fun, I brought in a dust bunny from the floor of my house, where I live …
We’ve written about Joana Ricou before on this blog, and here she is again. This time with an exhibit featuring oil paintings representing human bodies and their microbiomes. The linked article also includes a video of Ricou discussing her work, which has been featured on the cover of a scientific journal and strives to combine science and art in …
Amanita Design is a company that draws from nature in its game design. Here is a news article from The Guardian that goes in depth on their game design features and how microbiology, insects, and mythology are incorporated into the games. Games like this are great for getting people to think about nature and how organisms …
An artist named Joana Ricou has teamed up with microbiologists to create really awesome portraits of bacterial cultures of belly button microbes. There are more than 400 portraits and they are on display at the Art Laboratory Berlin as part of the exhibit Nonhuman Subjectivities.
Designers Martin Krzywinski and Barbara Jeannie Hunnicutt provide a peek behind the scenes, and explain how they developed a data visualization based on bacterial genome information derived from dust. Source: The Evolution of a Scientific American Infographic: Secret Life in Household Dust – Scientific American Blog Network This is an absolutely fascinating look behind the …
As Beijing experiences its first “Red Alert” smog emergency, an aptly-timed bit of quirky performance art is making the round on Chinese social media and the English-language press today. A artist from Shenzhen who calls himself “Brother Nut” spent 100 days walking around Beijing with an industrial vacuum cleaner. He then collected dust into a …
OK, so they are not actually gigantic bacteria. But this is just really a great idea: The Colosseum becomes a living artwork — powered by its own bacteria | Art and design | The Guardian Now the arena — or rather, the bacteria within it — is becoming a living artwork for the first time, over …
We will be hosting a screening of “Resistance the film” at UC Davis. April 9, 2015 6: 00 PM (reception from 6:00-6:30) Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility Auditorium Davis, CA The filmmaker Michael Graziano will be there. Reviews have been very positive. See for example Washington Post Slate Vox WIRED See the first two minutes of …
Crossposting this from my Tree of Life blog. I could spend a lot of time on this website: Bioart and Bacteria – The Artwork of Anna Dumitriu. I found out about it from a Tweet from Dumutriu: Gut #bacteria #microbiome textiles for @edenproject #art commission @tferriss @phylogenomics http://t.co/gOyEKOQM5u pic.twitter.com/BzwyvKIZC2 – anna dumitriu (@AnnaDumitriu) January 18, …