Hen housing trade off study results released

Just a quick post here.  Multiple stories out about the Laying Hen Housing Research Project by the Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply that maybe of interest. From: Hen housing trade offs: Food safety, workers and consumers | Food Safety News As it turns out, the food stores and restaurant chains promising to sell only cage-free eggs …

Probiotics: The Good, the Bad, The Unknown, and the Crazy

Microbiology is on a roll, it’s been an amazing couple decades of discoveries that have transformed our understanding of the roles that microbes play in human health.  And this knowledge has pushed its way into popular culture.  Every couple of days I see another popular media article about the influence of microbes on something else; …

Transfer and resuspension — its not all bologna

There was a recent flash in the news about the ‘5-second rule’ when a group of microbiologists at Aston University in the UK released results from a study (that, from what I can tell, is unpublished). The summary reads, “The study…monitored the transfer of the common bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus from …