New Sloan-funded project in microbiology of the built environment – Jack Gilbert, Hospital Microbiome study

The Sloan Foundation has just announced funding for another two projects, we’ll be posting details here. The first project is called the “Hospital Microbiome Study” and will be managed by Jack Gilbert (University of Chicago) and Captain Benjamin Kirkup at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.  Check out the project website here.

New Sloan-funded program in microbiology of the built environment: Greg Caporaso, office surface microbiomes across climates

Another new Sloan-funded project in the microbiology of the built environment called “To analyze and model the establishment of microbial communities over time on different office surface materials in different climates”.   This project is being undertaken by Greg Caporaso at Northern Arizona University. Full description below: The goal of this project is to understand successional patterns …

New Sloan-funded program in microbiology of the built environment: Amy Pruden, Plumbing Microbiome

The Sloan foundation has recently announced funding for several new projects in the microbiology of the built environment, we’ll be describing each of them in more detail here. First is a project called “Effect of Pipe Materials, Water Flow, and Chemistry on the Building Plumbing Microbiome”.  This work will be performed by Amy Pruden, Marc …

Upcoming symposium on the Indoor Microbiome at the American Association for Aerosol Research meeting, October 8-12 2012 (Minneapolis)

Here’s a really interesting sounding upcoming symposium on the indoor microbiome, chaired by Jordan Peccia and Tiina Reponen.   This will take place on October 9th, 2012 at the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) meeting in Minneapolis. The description is below: Continually evolving molecular biology and computational methods are catalyzing the further integration of the …

“Architectural design influences the diversity and structure of the built environment microbiome” – paper by the BioBE Center group

We’ve posted in the past (here, here, here, and here) about some of the interesting work taking place at the BioBE Center regarding microbial community structure in health-care facilities.  Today a paper on this topic came out in the ISME Journal. This paper is certainly worth a read for anyone interested in the microbiology of …

Great collection of free tools for microbiome analysis at the DACC #microBEnet

There is an excellent collection of tools and protocols for various microbiome analyses (genomics, metagenomics, rRNA) available at the Human Microbiome Project DACC site.  This includes downloadable tools, links to online web servers, and PDFs of various protocols.  Definitely worth checking out if you need some tools for sequence analysis.


You have been purposefully re-directed here from Sadly our fancy, custom built website couldn’t keep up with the times and had to be retired.  This page contains some bare-bones information about Project MERCCURI as well as some links to places with more information. Project MERCCURI was a nationwide citizen science project started in 2012, …

Wrap up of Talk by Maria Gloria Dominguez Bello at UC Davis

Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello gave a talk at UC Davis on March 11, 2019.  This talk was part of the Storer Lectureship in Life Sciences series. Her talk was on “The Human Microbiome in an Age of Disruptive Change” and it was really quite good. I live Tweeted the talk and if you are interested the …

Help wanted w/ compiling information on “Citizen Microbiology” projects #CitizenMicrobiology

I am compiling information on past, present and future “Citizen Microbiology” projects. Basically I am looking for examples of projects that could fit VERY BROADLY into the concept of citizen or participatory science and involve microbes. Examples include: Participatory Research Classes such as SeaPhages Tiny Earth Human Microbiome Sample Crowdsourcing The American Gut Project …