Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics Meeting (#LAMG2018) Day 4/5

Days 4 and 5 of the meeting were a real mix of things including chemistry, evolution, and ‘omics. Also Kevin Bonham took fairly detailed notes throughout the entire conference and put those all online here,  worth checking out if you want more detail. Started off the day with Mohamed S. Donia from Princeton University, “Small …

Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics Meeting (#LAMG2018) Day 3

Day 3 of the meeting was virus day!  Viruses have often gotten short shrift at these kinds of meeting, especially once 16S rRNA sequencing took over the microbial world.  But the balance is shifting back, largely because of metagenomics. First up was Andrew J. Hryckowian from Stanford University “Bacteriodes thetaiotaomicron as a Chassis for Understanding …

Meeting: Applications, Promise and Public Implications of Metagenomics in Urban Settings

Just got pointed to a description of this 1-day meeting in New York on October 12, 2018… “It’s a Brave New World: Applications, Promise and Public Implications of Metagenomics in Urban Settings”.   Sounds like a great lineup of speakers and certainly a fascinating topic!   Meeting description below:   This 1-day symposium brings together urban microbiome …

Special issue of mSystems: Essays by Early-Career Systems Microbiology Scientists

This should be of interest to many: mSystems has a whole issue dedicated to essays by “Early-Career Systems Microbiology Scientists”. Early-Career Systems Microbiology Scientists Jack A. Gilbert mSystems March/April 2018 3:e00002-18; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00002-18   Conflict of Interest Declarations by Contributing Editors of the Special Issue on Early-Career Systems Microbiology Scientists, Sponsored by Janssen Human Microbiome …

One last call for help with Sloan-funded MoBE paper collection

Back in September we posted a call for help with our “comprehensive” database of publications resulting from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation program in the Microbiology of the Built Environment.   We’ve tried database scanning, begging people for help, public posting, manually digging through Google Scholar, grant reports, etc.  Our hope is to use this collection …

Applications being accepted for the 1st Microbiology of the Built Environment Gordon Research Conference

This should be really really good.  This summer there is a Gordon Conference (what should be the first of many) on Microbiology of the Built Environment. The theme of this meeting is Integrating Human Health with Building Microbiomes. The Chairs are Jordan Peccia and Jessica Green and it takes place July 15-20, 2018 at the University of …

Sloan-funded MoBE Reference Collection

So one of my projects for the last few months has been to try to create a collection of every peer-reviewed publication that resulted from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation program of the Microbiology of the Built Environment.  The program has been running for over 10 years and has funded over 100 grants.  To generate …

Everyone should read this piece by Ed Yong: Norm Pace Blew The Door Off The Microbial World

There is a wonderful tribute to Norm Pace in the Atlantic by Ed Yong. Norm Pace truly did blow the door off the microbial world. Source: Norm Pace Blew The Door Off The Microbial World – The Atlantic Lots of good stuff in there about Pace and his career.  See for example this: Pace also …

Worth a look: Are Pets the New Probiotic? in the NY Times

There is a news story of interest from a few weeks ago in the NY Times: Are Pets the New Probiotic? – The New York Times It discusses the concept and some of the research on how animals and their microbiomes could in some cases play a role in shaping the human immune system and human …

New papers on Microbiology of the Built Environment, April 23, 2017

Catching up after a couple of busy weeks. Microbes in the hospital Diversity changes of microbial communities into hospital surface environments – Rika Yano – Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy ($31.50)  Previous works have demonstrated considerable variability in hospital cleanliness in Japan, suggesting that contamination is driven by factors that are currently poorly controlled. We undertook 16S …