Fungi, Bacteria, and ArcheaArchaea on “clean” hardware destined for Mars

Here’s a case where just the title of an article is awesome: “Pyrosequencing-Derived Bacterial, Archaeal, and Fungal Diversity of Spacecraft Hardware Destined for Mars”.  Sadly it’s not open access but the abstract is worth a read at a minimum. The authors conducted environmental surveys in cleanrooms and of equipment destined for Mars.  Basically they found that …

Talks of interest from the upcoming AAAR meeting in October (Minneapolis) – Karen Dannemiller, Denina Hospodsky

More talks of interest from the AAAR meeting coming up in a couple of months.  Previous posts about this meeting can be found here, here, and here. Phylogenetic-based Fungal Population Comparisons of Dust Collected from Water-damaged and Nonwater-Damaged Homes KAREN DANNEMILLER, Jordan Peccia, Yale University Abstract Number: 327 Working Group: The Indoor Microbiome In the 5MB.2 …

Another blog post discussing office bacteria PLoS One paper

Just a quick post here.  There is a detailed blog post of interest from Caitlin Knight of Anthrophysis discussing a recent PLoS One paper on bacteria in office spaces:  Unseen Coworkers: Office Space Bacteria.  We have written about this paper a bit here before: The hidden diversity of offices — what microbes are lurking there? …

Put a microbe on it: “The Great Indoors” session at the Ecological Society of America’s annual meeting

“Indoors” appeared as a session title for the first time at the annual meeting of the Ecology Society of America after Brendan Bohannan of the BioBE Center at the University of Oregon and Tom Bruns of BIMERC at the University of California organized a session entitled “The Great Indoors: Recent Advances in the Ecology of …

Summary: Healthy Buildings 2012

Sloan Symposium II — Healthy Buildings 2012, Brisbane, Australia, July 9, 2012 written by Hal Levin – Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s microBEnet project under the Microbiology of the Built Environment program. Following up on the Symposium held at indoor Air 2011 in Austin, Texas, microBEnet organized another symposium to take place at …

Quick summary of session at #ASM2012 on “The Great Indoors”

The session at the ASM 2012 meeting on “The Great Indoors” seems to have gone well. I will be writing up a more detailed report but here is a quick summary done via “Storify”.     ———————– UPDATE February 2019 Storify is no longer in existence. Fortunately we were able to convert the Storify summary …

80beats at Discover story on office microbes #microBEnet #PLoSOne

Quick post here New post from 80beats on the office microbes study from Scott Kelley that I wrote about a few days ago: What Microbes Are Growing In Your Office? Science Wants to Know | 80beats | Discover Magazine Plus some new news stories about the study Men’s Offices Have More Bacteria, Study Finds The higher …

The hidden diversity of offices – what microbes are lurking there? #PLoSOne

A new paper from Scott Kelley is out: PLoS ONE: Office Space Bacterial Abundance and Diversity in Three Metropolitan Areas. This work was supported in part by the Sloan Foundation’s program in Microbiology of the Built Environment (which is the same program that funds microBEnet). Lots of interesting stuff in the paper.  Certainly the most visually …

Microbiology at Sea: A tale of ballast, vomit, and cockroaches

NOTE: This is a cross-post that I had originally published at Deep-sea News California has been a big transition for me. I mean big. Not only am I now living in the sun-drenched utopia I have long pined for (a climate which finally meets my minimum temperature preference of 90F), but I also have leaped …