New study from UK: closing windows increases infection risk

UPDATED AT BOTTOM – TURNS OUT NEWS STORY WAS VERY MISLEADING Wow.  Just got pointed to this news story: BBC News – Closing hospital windows ‘increases infection risk’.  It reports on work from Cath Noakes from the University of Leeds.  The work is published in a non open-access journal “Building and Environment” which I do not …

Meeting Report on the “1st Hospital Microbiome Project Workshop”

A new meeting report is out in the SIGS journal: The Hospital Microbiome Project: Meeting Report for the 1st Hospital Microbiome Project Workshop on sampling design and building science measurements, Chicago, USA, June 7th-8th 2012. | Smith | Standards in Genomic Sciences.  The report discusses a meeting involving many interested in microbiology of the built environment …

“The Spread Of Hospital-Acquired Bacteria Revealed By Computational Methods”

Another short post here, this time on modeling the spread of hospital-acquired bacteria.  Horizontal gene transfer between bacteria is a huge problem in hospitals and these researchers have developed some models for how this process actually occurs in hospitals.    They’ve applied their techniques in a couple of real-life situations with interesting results.   They found for …

New paper on bacterial diversity in NICUs

Quick post here.  There is a new paper out on bacterial diversity in NICUs: PLOS ONE: Bacterial Diversity in Two Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). Full citation: Hewitt KM, Mannino FL, Gonzalez A, Chase JH, Caporaso JG, et al. (2013) Bacterial Diversity in Two Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). PLoS ONE 8(1): e54703. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054703. Quick summary: they …

“HICprevent” blog on hospital infection control & prevention (microBEnet blog of the day)

HICprevent is today’s microBEnet microbiology’s Blog of the Day.  Blogs are taken from list of Microbiology Blogs we have curated at microBEnet. This blog is one of the few blogs we have found out there that is heavily focused on microbes specifically in the built environment.  The blog is by Gary Evans and is associated with a publication from AHC media “Hospital …

microBEnet Microbiology blog of the day: Creepy Dreadful Wonderful Parasites

Going through the list of Microbiology Blogs we have curated at microBEnet and going to try to feature one of them every day or so.  And just going to do this in semi-alphabetic order. Today’s blog: Creepy Dreadful Wonderful Parasites Author:  Parasite Gal Tagline/Summary: A parasitologist’s view of the world.  Every week there is a post with …

microBEnet Microbiology blog of the day: Controversies in Hospital Infection Prevention

Going through the list of Microbiology Blogs we have curated at microBEnet and going to try to feature one of them every day or so.  And just going to do this in semi-alphabetic order. Today’s blog: Controversies in Hospital Infection Prevention Authors: Eli Perencevich Mike Edmund Dan Diekema Tagline/Summary: Wherein we ponder vexing issues in infection prevention and control, …

If you give Cliff a whiff he sniffs out Cdiff in a jiff

OK, this is one of the more interesting “microbiology of the built environment” stories I have seen in a while: Cliff the beagle sniffs out dangerous infections in hospitals | SmartPlanet. A new paper in BMJ reports on training and testing of dogs to detect Clostridium difficile infections in hospitals. There is even a video included …