Grr. These types of stories really bug me: British technology set to banish germs in hospitals and homes | City & Business | Finance | Daily Express. It is in theory a news story. But it is pretty much an advertisement for this Odorox building sterilization system with no critical reporting. Here are some claims in …
Posting some details here on the upcoming AAAS Symposium on Microbiomes of the Built Environment. The meeting is coming up – on March 27, 2014 in Washington DC. And it will be webcast live. See here for details on the webcast. A more detailed agenda is here: Agenda from the AAAS Meeting Site
Just found an interesting new paper via automated Google Scholar searches: The Bio-Community Perl toolkit for microbial ecology. By Florent Angly, Christopher Fields, and Gene Tyson in Bioinformatics. Here is the abstract: Summary: The development of bioinformatic solutions for microbial ecology in Perl is limited by the lack of modules to represent and manipulate microbial community profiles …
Just got alerted by Paula Olsiewski & Eileen Choffnes to this paper Role of Transportation in Spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Infection, United States by James Lowe, Phillip Gauger, Karen Harmon, Jianqiang Zhang, Joseph Connor, Paul Yeske, Timothy Loula, Ian Levis, Luc Dufresne, and Rodger Main. The paper is in the CDC journal “Emerging Infectious Diseases” and …
I thought this might be of interest to some of the “microbiology of the Built Environment” crowd. I gave a talk at the UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Lab as part of the Workshop on Applied Phylogenetics on the “Evolution of DNA Sequencing”. I posted the slides to Slideshare and am embedding them here. I …
Lots and lots of news stories about the BioBE center and some of their recent work on “microbiomes of classrooms”. Here is a collection of links: Their paper in the new journal “Microbiome”: microbiota in the classroom University of Oregon story: UO center on quest to document indoor microbes, guide healthier buildings | Around the O. Who’s …
From the BioBE Center … What sorts of bacteria did we find in a university classroom? from BioBE Center on Vimeo.
I just completely love this: MICROBIOLOGY TODAY: REAL SUPERHEROES. From the news for the Society for General Microbiology: Society news | Society for General Microbiology. The February Issue of the magazine “Microbiology Today” features some microbial superheroes with some great art and photos. The immortal, halophilic superhero: Halobacterium salinarum — a long-lived poly-extremophile The shape-shifting superhero: …
I asked the Twittersphere last week for suggestions for hashtags to use for Tweets about microbiology of the built environment Here are some of the answers [View the story “Hashtags for microbiology of the built environment” on Storify] UPDATE: March 25, 2018 Since Storify is disappearing soon we converted the Storify into a “Wakelet” and …
One of our goals this year for microBEnet is to start to build a protocol library for members of the community. This library would hopefully include methods for carrying out all sorts of different kinds of work – from how to sample dust in a building (e.g., do you use a shop vac or a …