Sloan funds MoBE project at US Air Force Academy

The Alfred P. Sloan foundation recently announced the funding of a microbiome of the built environment study (MoBE) titled “Longitudinal assessment of the influence of lifestyle homogenization on the MoBE in a cohort of United States Air Force Cadets”. This research program is a collaborative effort between Dr. Christopher Lowry (University of Colorado at Boulder), …

Calling all future MoBE post docs- application deadline Sept 1, 2016

Just wanted to remind everyone that the deadline for postdoctoral fellowship applications through the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation funded Microbiology of the Built Environment (MoBE) program is September 1, 2016. The program provides support for postdoctoral researchers in laboratories currently engaged in research in the U.S. or Canada. Three awards of $120,000 each will be made in …

Hen housing trade off study results released

Just a quick post here.  Multiple stories out about the Laying Hen Housing Research Project by the Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply that maybe of interest. From: Hen housing trade offs: Food safety, workers and consumers | Food Safety News As it turns out, the food stores and restaurant chains promising to sell only cage-free eggs …

Berkeley research on the microbial ecology of the built environment

We at the Berkeley Indoor Microbial Ecology Research Consortium (BIMERC) are thrilled to have received a renewal grant from the Sloan Foundation to understand the microbial ecology of the built environment as mediated by interactions among organisms, particulate matter, and volatile and non-volatile chemicals. This grant gives us an opportunity to expand on our collaborative work that combines …

Fungi and bacteria grow in carpet at elevated relative humidity

Floor dust is an important source of human exposure to microbes due to dust resuspension, especially from carpeted floors. Sources of microbes in floor dust are known to include outdoor air, tracked-in soil, growth on materials, and shedding from occupants or pets, but we wanted to know if growth may also contribute to these microbial …

Program Fellow Position at the Moore Foundation in Symbiosis

Cool-sounding program fellow position at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation working on symbiosis.   Text from the job posting below: Program Fellow, Science The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s science program supports exceptional scientists, invests in new technologies, and brings together new scientific partnerships. We believe in the inherent value of science and the sense …

Twitter chat on “Microbiology of Built Environments” AAM report Thu May 19 10-11 AM EST

There will be a Twitter chat on Thursday of relevance. Thursday May 19 10-11 AM EST Run by @ASMicrobiology. Follow this hashtag #ASMChats   Twitter chat Thu 10-11 AM EST run by @ASMicrobiology re: AAM report on Microbes & Built Environment #ASMChats – Jonathan Eisen (@phylogenomics) May 17, 2016 // And an upcoming twitter …