Database of indoor environment-indoor microbiome literature available

You can download the database of over 360 publications that report characteristics of the indoor environment along with the microbes found in the studies. Each publication is entered as a record and includes citation, abstract, keywords, organisms, substrates, and environmental conditions as reported by the authors. The database in MS Access format is searchable for …

Rich Corsi radio interview about “Indoor Air Quality, an Overlooked Concern”

Great two-part interview with Rich Corsi from UT Austin talking about indoor air quality.  If you’re the kind of person who stays in your house because you’re worried about the air quality outside… don’t listen to this interview because then you’ll have nowhere left to hide. First segment (starts at 9 minutes, 40 seconds) Second …

Found: “most toxic” metabolite from a very common indoor fungus

A just-published article by Desroches et al, “Extrolites of Wallemia sebi, a very common fungus in the built environment,”in the journal Indoor Air describes a previously unidentified metabolite of Wallemia sebi , a very common fungus in houses worldwide, although relatively more common in north temperate climates. The authors (including David Miller) write that it …

Architecture that senses – managing the indoor microbiome for health?

Italian architect Carlo Ratti, Director of the MIT SENSEable Cities Lab, presents an entertaining Ted Talk “Architecture that senses and responds” on the use of sensors in buildings to monitor occupant behavior and environmental conditions for input to the management of the buildings and other human-made systems. Once we know the critical environmental variables that …

EPA funding opportunity: Indoor Air and Climate Change

Indoor Air and Climate Change URL: Open Date: 10/23/2013 – Close Date: 01/23/2014 Here are some of the important details: Summary: EPA announces an extramural funding competition designed to support research that improves understanding of how climate change affects human health through indoor air quality as adapted by building designs and uses. Proposals should …

Four principles for good indoor air: minimize indoor emissions, keep dry, ventilate, protect against outdoor pollution.

Bill Nazaroff has a seemingly simple – but quite detailed and very useful article worth reading for anyone interested in indoor air / indoor environments.  It was published September 13 in Indoor Air:  Four principles for achieving good indoor air quality. In the paper Nazaroff first discusses how “Everything should be made as simple as possible, …

New paper on interest from Rachel Adams et al. on bias in sequence-based surveys of indoor fungi

Checking out this new paper from Rachel Adams, Anthony Amend, John Taylor and Thomas Bruns: A Unique Signal Distorts the Perception of Species Richness and Composition in High-Throughput Sequencing Surveys of Microbial Communities: a Case Study of Fungi in Indoor Dust – Online First – Springer. It is open access so anyone out there can get …